Possessives & prepos

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Category: Turkish
benimWords: my12false
qualitynot good, low or poor in _____21true
yanındaWords: next to32false
bizimWords: our42false
boringEnglish: dull and not interesting50false
withinused to indicate location or position _____ something61true
arasındaWords: between72false
difficultEnglish: hard to do : not easy80false
yakınındaWords: near92false
animal: relating to or belonging to a certain man, boy, or male _____101true
kolayWords: easy122false
theirEnglish: relating to or belonging to certain people, animals, or things130false
altındaWords: under142false
seninWords: your152false
smallEnglish: little in size, not big170false
üstündeWords: on182false
a male childTurkish: erkek çocuk191false