Possessives & prepos Quiz
Select the English that corresponds to the displayed Words.
1. its
A. touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)
B. : relating to or belonging to a certain woman, girl, or female animal
C. not hard to do : not difficult
D. relating to or belonging to a certain thing, animal, etc.
2. boring
A. relating to or belonging to you
B. relating to or belonging to us
C. dull and not interesting
D. little in size, not big
3. their
A. relating to or belonging to certain people, animals, or things
B. relating to or belonging to us
C. in or to a lower place than (something) : below or beneath (something)
D. close to someone or something in distance
4. in
A. hard to do : not easy
B. dull and not interesting
C. used to indicate location or position within something
D. coming after this one : coming after the one that just came, happened, etc.
5. near
A. touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)
B. relating to or belonging to a certain thing, animal, etc.
C. close to someone or something in distance
D. not hard to do : not difficult
6. boy
A. in the space that separates (two things or people)
B. a male child
C. : relating to or belonging to a certain woman, girl, or female animal
D. large in size, not small
7. our
A. relating to or belonging to us
B. relating to or belonging to you
C. a male child
D. relating to or belonging to you
8. your
A. close to someone or something in distance
B. relating to or belonging to you
C. coming after this one : coming after the one that just came, happened, etc.
D. little in size, not big
9. her
A. : relating to or belonging to a certain woman, girl, or female animal
B. used to indicate location or position within something
C. in the space that separates (two things or people)
D. relating to or belonging to certain people, animals, or things
10. big
A. large in size, not small
B. touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)
C. little in size, not big
D. not hard to do : not difficult
Select the Words that corresponds to the displayed English.
11. touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)
A. on
B. under
C. next to
D. near
12. in the space that separates (two things or people)
A. its
B. my
C. between
D. boy
13. hard to do : not easy
A. between
B. difficult
C. bad
D. its
14. in or to a lower place than (something) : below or beneath (something)
A. his
B. on
C. under
D. in
15. little in size, not big
A. in
B. small
C. boy
D. its
16. coming after this one : coming after the one that just came, happened, etc.
A. next to
B. her
C. his
D. difficult
17. not good, low or poor in quality
A. bad
B. under
C. boring
D. its
18. relating to or belonging to me
A. my
B. on
C. her
D. its
19. not hard to do : not difficult
A. under
B. its
C. easy
D. our
20. : relating to or belonging to a certain man, boy, or male animal
A. near
B. boy
C. his
D. its
Grade Quiz