A. a journey through the different parts of a country, region, etc. B. a light meal eaten in the middle of the day C. to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion about what is true, what should be done, etc. D. to clean (something) with a vacuum cleaner F. causing great surprise or wonder G. an opinion or way of thinking about something H. based on a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc. J. in the space that separates (two things or people) L. the first meal of the day M. clean and organized : not messy N. directly before or ahead of (something or someone) O. to wash the dishes after a meal P. very close to something or someone with nothing between Q. a written set of questions that are given to people in order to collect facts or opinions about something R. the main meal of the day S. to clean (something) with water and usually soap T. to move or go up (something) using your feet and often your hands |