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Sign up, then upgrade with one of these subscriptions:

  • No Ads
  • Sessions lasts three times longer
  • Enter twice as much on each flashcard
  • Copy existing sets
  • $1.50 per month or $10.00 per year

  • All of the above PRO benefits
  • No ads displayed to students when using your sets.
  • PRO Teacher subscription applies to all accounts with same email address
  • Ability to generate a report to see what activities your students have completed.   (show details)
  • $20.00 per year

Teacher Report

You will be able to generate a report that shows the following details of what your students have completed:

  • number of flashcards studied
  • number of studystack cards studied
  • percent correct on test
  • percent correct on quiz
  • number of matching activity matches
  • number of snowman games won
  • number of crossword words answered correctly
  • number of fill-in-the-blank words answered correctly
  • number of words unscrambled
  • number of minutes using StudyTable
  • total points earned in BugMatch
  • total points earned in HungryBug
  • number of words unchopped
  • percent correct on Target test

You'll be able to control the date range, set name, and student name that the report should include.

screenshot of report parameter form

Here's an example report:

screenshot of sample report