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Deutschen Verben

German Verbs and Definitions

abfahren to depart
abholen to pick up
abtrocknen to dry dishes; to wipe dry
abwaschen to do dishes
anfangen to begin
anhaben to have turned on; to wear
ankommen to arrive (in)
annehmen to accept
anrufen to phone
anschauen to look at; to watch (DVD)
ansehen to look at
arbeiten to work
aufgeben to give up; abandon
aufräumen to straighten up (a room)
ausleihen to rent; to check out; to lend out; borrow
ausräumen to unload (dishwasher); to clear away
beantworten to answer (a question; a letter)
beeinflussen to influence
beginnen to begin
bekommen to receive
benutzen to use
beobachten to observe
berichten to report
besuchen to visit
bezahlen to pay (for)
bleiben to stay or remain
brauchen to need
bringen to bring
chatten to chat (Internet)
decken to cover
durcharbeiten to work through; to study
dürfen may; to be permitted to
einkaufen to shop
einladen to invite; to treat or pay for)
einräumen to load (dishwasher)
erklären to explain
erreichen to reach, catch; arrive at
erziehen to bring up; rear; educate
essen to eat
exportieren to export
fahren to drive; travel; ride
faulenzen to laze around; be idle
fernsehen to watch TV
finden to find; to think
fliegen to fly
fotografieren to photograph
fragen to ask
geben to give
gehen to go
glauben to believe; to think
haben to have
halten to hold; stop
hängen (acc) to hang (something); to put
hängen (dat) to be hanging
hatte to have (past tense haben)
heben to lift
heißen to be called or named
helfen to help
herumliegen to be lying around
hingehen to go there
hoffen (auf) to hope (for)
hören to hear; to listen
interessieren to interest
jobben to work at a temporary job
joggen to jog
kaufen to buy
kennen to know; to be acquainted with
kennenlernen to get to know; to become acquainted
klagen to complain
kochen to cook
kommen to come
können to be able to; can
lächeln to smile
lachen to laugh
laufen to run; to go on foot; to walk
leben to live
legen to lay; to put (horizontal)
leiden to suffer; to tolerate; to endure
leihen to lend; to borrow
lernen to learn; to study
lesen to read
liegen to lie; to be situated; be located
machen to make; to do
meinen to mean; to think; have an opinion
mitbringen to bring along
mitfahren to drive (go) along
mitnehmen to take along
möchten would like
mögen to like
müssen to have to; must
nehmen to take
organisieren to organize
passen to fit; suit; be appropriate
passieren to happen
produzieren to produce
putzen to clean
reden to talk; to speak
regnen to rain
reisen to travel
riechen to smell
rufen to call; cry out
rumsurfen to surf around
sagen to say; to tell
schauen to look
scheinen to shine
schlafen to sleep
schließen to close
schneien to snow
schwimmen to swim
sehen to see
sein to be
setzen (acc) to set; to put
sinken to sink
sitzen (dat) to be sitting
snowboarden snowboarding
sollen to be supposed to
spielen to play
spülen to rinse; to wash
stecken to stick; put into; insert
stehen (dat) to stand; to be located
stellen (acc) to put (upright), place;to set
stimmen to be correct
studieren to study
suchen to look for
surfen to surf
tanzen to dance
telefonieren to telephone to speak on the telephone
treffen to meet
treiben to engage in
trinken to drink
tun to do
übernachten to spend the night; to stay with
unterstützen to support
verbringen to spend (time)
verdienen to earn
verlieren to lose
vermissen to miss someone or something; to regret
versuchen to try
vorbeikommen to come by
vorbereiten to prepare
vorhaben to intend; to have in mind
wandern to hike; to go walking
warten (auf) to wait (for)
waschen to wash
wegfahren to drive away, to leave
werden to become
wissen to know
wohnen to live; to reside
wollen to want to; intend to
zahlen to pay
zelten to camp in a tent
zuhören to listen to; to audit
zurückbekommen to get back
zusammenpassen to be suitable for each other
Created by: bdwlf
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