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Walker SAT words&def

Aberration devaiating from the right path or usual course of action
belittle to make something seem less important
cache a hiding place;something hidden in a place
dearth shortage
ebb to decline
facilitate to make easy; to bring about
galvanize to arouse suddenly; to startle
hackneyed used to often; trite;commonplace
iconoclast a person who attacks cherished beliefs of established institutions
Jargon the specialized vocabulary of memebers of a group
kindle to ignite; to arouse or inspire; to catch fire; to become aroused
labyrinth a maze; a complicated, perplexing arrangement or course of affairs
malicious spiteful; intentionally mischievous or harmful
Nomenclature a systematic naming in an art or science
obliterate to blout out leaving no traces; to destroy
abstinence the giving up of certain pleasures such as food or drink
bequeath to leave money or property by a will; to pass along
cacophony discord; harsh sound
deblilitate to weaken
eclectic consisting of selections from various sources
fallacy false idea; mistaken belief
garbled confused; mixed up
haphazard not planned; random
immaterial insignificant; unimportant
judicious wise;careful;showing sound judgment;prudent
lackluster lacking brightness; dull; lacking liveliness;vitality, or enthusiasm
marred injured; spoiled;damaged; disfigured
nonchalance carelessness; lack of intrest or concern
obscure not clear or distinct; hidden;remote;not well known
painstaking very careful,diligent,
abstract theortical, not applied or practical;not concrete; hard to understand
bizarre stringly odd in apperance or style; grotesque
cajole to persuade by pleasent words of false promises
decadence decay;decline
efface to wipe out; to erase
fastidious hard to please ; dainty in taste
garner to gather and storeaway; to collect
hedonist one who lives solely for pleasure
imminent about to occur
laconic brief or terse in speech; using few words
Created by: jdellington
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