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AES SAT Reading

Top SAT Words #2

Abate subside
Abhor loathe
Acumen knowledge of, smarts
Adroit skillful
Aesthetic having to do with beauty of appearance
Amass assemble
Ambivalent having mixed feelings, uncertain
Anachronism out of harmony with the present
Anomaly oddity
Aptitude ability
Ascetic one who practices self-denial (e.g. a monk)
Astute smart, "with it"
Benevolent kindly
Blithe carefree
Bombastic overblow, inflated
Bucolic related to country living
Circuitous roundabout, indirect
Circumspect careful, cautious
Clamorous noisy
Condone to overlook bad behavior
Diaphanous filmy, sheer
Decorous well-mannered
Dichotomy division into two mutually exclusive groups
Didactic intended to teach
Dilatory dragging one's feet, delaying
Dupe trick, fool
Effusive gushing
Elated overjoyed
Eminent well-known, respected
Emollient balm, intended to soften or soothe
Enervate sap of energy, tire out
Epitome essence
Equivocal vague, refusing to give a clear answer
Feasible doable
Fortuitous occurring by (lucky) chance
Germane relevant
Guile trickery
Harbinger warning
Hyperbole exaggeration
Iconoclast revolutionary
Idiosyncratic an odd characteristic particular to an individual
Indict formally accuse
Ineffable inexpressable
Ingenious clever
Imminent about to happen
Immutable fixed, unable to be changed
Innocuous harmless
Intrepid brave
Irrevocable unable to be undone
Lackadaisical not caring, indifferent
Latent present but not visible
Created by: tbostwick
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