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SAT Princeton2


ameliorate to make something better; improve
curative able to heal or cure
palliative relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure.
amalgam a combination or diverse elements, a mixture
inundate to overwhelm as if with a flood; to swamp
multifarious diverse, various
multiplicity state of being various or manifold; a great number
lugubrious mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree
opulent displaying great wealth
penchant a strong inclination or liking
ubiquitous being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
bombastic given to pompous speech or writing
ebullience intense enthusiasm
exorbitant exceeding all bounds
flagrant extremely or deliberately shocking or noticable
ignominy great personal dishonor or humiliation; disgraceful conduct
impugn to attack as false or questionable
pejorative disparaging, belittling, insulting
supplant to unsurp the place of
abase to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem
deride to mock contemptuously
derogatory insulting or intended to insult
disparage to speak of negatively; to belittle
effrontery brazen boldness, presumptuousness
expurgate to remove objectionable content before publication or release
extirpate to destroy
raze to level to the ground, demolish
extol to praise highly
philanthropic humanitarian, benevolent, relating to monetary generosity
reciprocate to mutually take or give; to respond in kind
chicanery trickery
eminent distinguished, prominent
sanctimonious feigning piety or righteousness
solicitous concerned
sophistry plausible but misleading or fallacious argument
veracity adherence to the truth; truthfulness
indict to officially charge with wrongdoing or crime
litigious prone to engage in lawsuits
parity equality in status, amount, value
rectitude moral uprightness
remiss lax in attending to duty; negligent
contiguous sharing an edge or a boundary
exonerate to free from blame
castigate to scold or rebuke or harshly criticize
censure to issue official blame
vituperative marked by harshly abusive condemation
relinquish to retire from; give up or abandon
esoteric intended for or understood by only a small group
insular isolated; narrow or provincial
potentate one who has the power and position to rule over all others
staid unemotional; serious
arcane known or understood by only a few
assimilate to absorb or become absorbed; to make or become similar
rudimentary elementary, basic, early stage of development
abstruse difficult to understand
callous unfeeling, cold, hard
disseminate to scatter widely
erudition deep, extensive learning
husbandry the application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding
perspicacious shrewd, clearsighted
precocious exhibiting unusually early intellectual aptitude or maturity
adroit dexterous, deft
circumspect careful, prudent, discreet
extrapolate to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.
insinuate to imply or communicate stealthily
another word goes here
Created by: Ismile2
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