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Second set of 50 hot words for the SAT.

Alleviate (uh-lee-vee-ate) vb. to lessen pain or discomfort
Ameliorate (uh-meel-yuh-rate) vb. to make better; to lessen pain, difficulty or tension
Appease (uh-peez) vb. to make tranquil or quiet especially by giving into another's demands
Assuage (uh-sway) vb. to alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify
Mediate (mee-dee-ate) vb. to act as a go-between in settling conflict or disputes between people or opposing sides
Mitigate (mih-tuh-gate) vb. to make or become less severe; to lessen pain or damage
Mollify (mol-uh-fie) vb. to pacify, soothe, or appease; to make less sever or violent
Pacify (pa-suh-fie) vb. to calm; to make peaceful; to restore to a tranquil state
Quell (kwel) vb. to pacify; to subdue; to quiet down
Affable (af-uh-bul) adj. easy to talk to; easy to approach, friendly; kind; amiable
Amiable (ay-mee-uh-bul) adj. friendly, kind
Amicable (a-mih-kuh-bul) adj. showing goodwill; peaceable
Congenial (kun-jee-nee-yul) adj. compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic
Convivial (kun-viv-yuhl) adj. sociable, outgoing in a festive way, especially when pertaining to eating and drinking; fond or good company
Cordial (core-juhl) adj. warm and friendly; amiable
Gregarious (gri-gehr-ee-us) adj, sociable, outgoing
Jocular (jah-kyuh-lur) adj. liking to be with people. joke around with them and have fun
Animosity (a-nuh-mah-suh-tee) n. hatred; ill will
Antagonism (an-ta-guh-nih-zum) n. hatred or hostility
Bellicose (beh-lih-kose) adj. of a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; warlike; belligerent
Belligerent (buh-luh-runt) adj. taking part in war or fighting; ready to fight
Cantankerous (kan-tang-kuh-rus)
Captious (cap-shus) adj. made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling
Contentious (kun-ten-shus) adj. quarrelsome; belliggerent
Disputatious (dis-pyuh-tay-shus) adj. likely to dispute or argue
Polemical (puh-leh-mih-kul) adj. inclined to argue or debate; controversial
Predator (preh-duh-tur) n. one who takes advantage of another, exploits or feeds on another; a strong adversary or rivial
Pugnacious (puhg-nay-shus) adj. eager to fight; belligerent
Altruistic (al-troo-iss-tik) adj. showing a unselfish concern for others
Benevolent (bun-nev-lunt) adj. giving freely and easily to others; charitable; kind
Largess (lar-zhehs) also spelled Largesse n.generous giving
Lavish (la-vish) adj. generous in giving to others or spending money
Magnanimous (mag-na-nuh-mus) adj. generous in overlooking insult or injury by others; rising above pettiness
Munificent (myoo-nih-fuh-sunt) adj. very generous
Philanthropic (fih-lun-thrah-pik) adj. showing a desire to help others by giving gifts; charitanble; humane
Prodigal (prah-dih-gul) adj. wasteful; lavish
Squander (skwan-dur) vb. to spend money (or time) in a wasteful, uncaring fashion
Austere (aw-steer) adj. having great economy; showing self-control when it come to foregoing luxuries and frills; stern in manner or appearence
Avaricious (a-vuh-rih-shus) adj. greedy
Frugal (fro-gul) adj. careful with money; thrifty; not prodigal or wasteful
Mercenary (mur-suh-nehr-ee) adj. greedy for self-gain; thinking only of money-making
Miserly (my-zur-lee) adj. carful with how money is spent; thrifty
Parsimonious (par-suh-moe-nee-us) adj. overly thrifty or miserly
Thrifty (thrif-tee) adj. showing care with how money and resources are spent or used
Adversity (ad-vur-suh-tee) n. great trouble or difficulty
Conflagration (kahn-fluh-gray-shun) n. a huge fire, and inferno
Confounding (kun-foun-ding) adj. puzzling; baffling
Cryptic (krip-tik) adj. hidden; hard to understand; mysterious, obscure
Debacle (dee-bah-kul) n. failure or breakdown; a collapse that is often nonsensical
Enigma (eh-nig-muh) n.a riddle or mystery; a puzzling or baffling matter or person
Created by: 0001060378
Popular SAT sets




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