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Seventh set of 50 hot words for the SAT.
Term | Definition |
Allusion (uh-loo-zhun) | n. an indirect reference, often to a character of theme found in some word of literature |
Illusion (ih-loo-zhun) | n. something unreal that gives the appearance of being real; a misconception |
Imprudent (im-pyuh-dunt) | adj. careless; rash |
Impudent (im-pyuh-dent) | adj. rude; disrespectful |
Indigenous (in-dih-juh-nus) | adj.native; originating in a specific country or region |
Indigent (in-dih-junt) | adj. poor; impoverished; needy |
Indigant (in-dih-nunt) | adj. angry;resentful |
Intimate (un-tuh-mate) | to suggest; to hint at |
Intimidate (in-tim-i-date) | vb. to frighten; to coerce into action |
Obscure (ahb-skyoor) | adj. hard to understand; abstract |
Obtuse (ahb-toos) | adj. stupid; not clear or precise |
Ponderable (pahn-duh-ruh-bul) | adj. important enough to require a lot of thought |
Ponderous (pahn-duh-rus) | adj. very heavy or bulky; dull or lifeless |
Abridge (uh-bridj) | vb. shorten |
Accessible (ik-seh-suh-bul) | adj, available; ready for use |
Antidote (an-tih-dote) | b, something that relieves or prevents; a remedy that counteracts the effects of poison |
Aspire (uh-spire) | vb. to work toward or to have a goal |
Autonomous (aw-tah-nuh-mus) | adj. independent |
Bolster (bole-stur) | vb. to support; to strengthen |
Candor (kan-dur) | n. honesty, sincerity |
Cynical (sih-nih-kul) | adj. believing that all others are motivated bu self-interest |
Fastidious (fa-stih-dee-us) | adj.very attentive to detail; fussy; meticulous |
Gratify (gra-tuh-fie) | vb. to please or indulge |
Hamper (ham-pur) | vb. to hinder; to prevent something from happening |
Hardy (har-dee) | adj. healthy and strong; robust |
Homogeneous (hoe-muh-jee-nee-us) | of the same kind; alike; uniform |
Intergrity (in-teh-gruh-tee) | n. holding firmly to values, such as honesty; completeness |
Intrepid (in-treh-pud) | adj. fearless; brave |
Linger (ling-gur) | vb. to hang around; to stay |
Lofty (Lahf-tee) | adj. very high; towering; grand or noble |
Mock (mahk) | vb. to make fun of; to imitate |
Nurture (nut-chur) | vb. to care for; to nourish |
Opportunist (ah-pur-too-nist) | n. a person who seeks self-gain, even at the expense of others, without regard to values or moral principles |
Proximity (prahk-sih-muh-tee) | b. nearness in time, location. relation |
Querulous (kwer-yuh-lus) | adj. whining; complaining |
Recount (rih-kownt) | vb. to tell a story |
Rigor (rih-hur) | n. harshness; severity; strict adherence to standards |
Saturate (se-shuh-rate) | vb. to wet or soak completely; to totally fill up |
Surpass (sur-pas) | vb. to be better than; to excel |
Tentative (ten-tuh-tiv) | adj. hesitant; not definite |
Thrive (thrive) | vb. to grow strong; to flourish |
Tranquillity (tran-kwih-luh-ree) | b. peacefulness; calmness |
Uniformity (yoo-nuh-for-muh-tee) | n. smeness; regularity |
Vilify (vih-luh-fie) | vb. to slander or defame someone's name or reputation |
Whimsical (hwim-zih-kul) | adj. fanciful |
Aggregate (a-grih-gut) | n. a sum total or mixture |
Audacious (aw-day-shus) | adj. very bold |
Aviary (ay-vee-er-ee) | n. an enclosed space for birds |
Complementary (kahm-pluh-men-tree) | adj.serving to complete another |
Debunk (dee-bungk) | vb. to prove wrong or false |