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voca study

obdurate not easily moved to pity or sympathy
ostensible outwardly appearing a such; professed ; pretended
potpourri a mixture of dried flower petals with spices, kept in a jar for its fragrance
precocious developed to matured to a point beyond that which is normal for the age
providential happening at a good time because of luck
sabotage the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly
supplicate to make a humble entreaty; especially : to pray to God
surfeit an amount that is too much or more than you need
tortuous having many twists and turns complicated, long, and confusing
turgid larger or fuller than normal because of swelling
amenable willing to agree or to accept something that is wanted or asked for
berate to yell at (someone) : to criticize (someone) in a loud and angry way
carnage the killing of many people
credulous too ready to believe things : easily fooled or cheated
criterion something that is used as a reason for making a judgment or decision
deplete to use most or all of (something important) : to greatly reduce the amount of (something)
expatiate to speak or write about something in a way that includes a lot of details or uses many words
extraneous not forming a necessary part of something : not important
inception the time at which something begins
infirmity the quality or state of being weak or ill especially because of old age
grisly causing horror or fear : very shocking
herculean requiring great strength or effort
impassive not showing emotion
inauspicious not showing or suggesting that future success is likely : not auspicious
incontrovertible not able to be doubted or questioned
nonplus a state of bafflement or perplexity
opportune suitable or right for a particular situation
predilection a natural liking for something : a tendency to do or to be attracted to something
prolific producing a large amount of something
rejoinder a usually rude or angry reply to something written or said
incisive : very clear and direct : able to explain difficult ideas clearly and confidently
ostentatious : displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy
paraphrase : a statement that says something that another person has said or written in a different way
prolific : producing a large amount of something
preeminent : more important, skillful, or successful than others : better than others
prosaic : dull or ordinary
redundant repeating something else and therefore unnecessary
sanctimonious pretending to be morally better than other people
scintillate to emit sparks
winsome : cheerful, pleasant, and appealing
abet : to help, encourage, or support someone in a criminal act
aver : to say (something) in a very strong and definite way
blatant : very obvious and offensive
broach To bring up (a subject) for discussion or debate.
buttress : a structure built against a wall in order to support or strengthen it
collate : to arrange (sheets of paper) in the correct order
connoisseur : a person who knows a lot about something (such as art, wine, food, etc.) : an expert in a particular subject
disconsolate : very unhappy or sad
encumber : to make (someone or something) hold or carry something heavy
foment : to cause or try to cause the growth or development of (something bad or harmful)
Created by: danny122
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