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CNA Flashcards
Term | Definition |
flexed | bent a joint |
hemiplegia | paralysis on one side of body |
enema | insertion of fluid into the rectum and colon |
nonverbal communication | any message sent w/o words; body posture, eye contact, facial gestures |
objective data | anything that can be seen, touched, smelled, or heard; tangible information with evidence |
emesis | vomit |
neglect | when a caregiver fails to provide treatment or services which are necessary to maintain or improve a resident's health or safety and this failure results in lack of expected improvements or noticeable deterioration of physical, mental, emotional condition |
integumentary system | skin is fragile, dry, wrinkly; fingernails become hard and thick and cold; more often, hair thins and grays |
hypertension | high blood pressure |
OBRA | Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; federal law that went into effect in 1987 which guides care provided to residents in long-term care facilities |
hyperglycemia | high blood sugar |
quadriplegia | paralysis (partial/complete) of all 4 extremities; the levels at which the spinal cord is injured determines the amount of paralysis |
antibiotics | a drug that is able to kill bacteria or make it difficult to reproduce or grow said strain |
hearing loss | speak directly and maintain eye contact when speaking to client at all times to avoid miscommunication |
gloves | PPE that is used by the HCP/caregiver/nurse aide when performing care that requires contact with bodily fluids or infected skin diseases such as MRSA |
gait belt | safety device used to assist a dependent client from a bed to a chair |
edema | swelling |
ethics | a system of moral principles or standards governing conduct-doing what is right at the right time and doing no harm |
Q.I.D. | four times daily |
making occupied bed | nurse aide should raise side rail on unattended side |
infection | illness caused by a pathogen |
dementia | permanent and progressive loss of cognitive function that is irreversible |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder |
log roll | technique for turning pt in which the pt's body is moved in one fluid motion to keep the spine in alignment |
contracture | permanent shortening of muscle |
bladder training | behavioral modification treatment technique for urinary incontinence that involves placing pt on toiling schedule |
body fluids | fluids such as blood, or that of which is secreted/excreted from the body |
communication | imparting or exchanging of information or news |
compensation | the process of concealing or offsetting a psychological difficulty by developing in another direction |
affected side | the side you stay on when helping pt walk |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
decubitus ulcer | an area of skin that breaks down due to decreased blood flow when a client stays in one position longer than 2 hours and doesn't shift weight |
falls | in case: stay with resident do not move them call for help from nurse on duty complete incident report |
cardiovascular system | of or relating to the heart and blood vessels |
call light | a bedside button tethered to the wall in a pt's room, which directly signals the nurses' station; usually indicates pt has a need/perceived need requiring attn from nurse on duty |
brain stem | central trunk of the mammalian brain, consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain and continuing downward to form the spinal cord |
ADL | activities of daily living; everyday tasks that involve personal care |
adduction | moving body part towards trunk of body |
aspiration | breathing solids or fluids into the lungs |
bargaining | making a deal |
body alignment | the optimal placement of body parts so that the bones are efficiently used, so the muscles have to do less work for same effect |
colostomy bag | prosthetic medical device that provides a means for collection of waste from surgically diverted biological system and creation of stoma |
communicable | of a disease that is able to be transmitted from one sufferer to another; contagious or infectious |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
body systems | respiratory; circulatory; gastrointestinal; urinary; musculoskeletal; nervous; endocrine; reproductive; integumentary |
clear liquid diet | consists of clear liquids/foods that turn liquids at room temp; ex: water, broth, clear juices; tea and coffee with no creamer |
chronic | of an illness persisting for a long time or consistently recurring over 6 months |
charge nurse | a nurse (usually RN) that is in charge of a ward in hospital |
cc's in 1 oz | 30 cc's |
burns | an injury caused by exposure to heat or flame |
BP | abbr. of blood pressure |
abuse | physical, mental, or sexual harm, exploitation or neglect |
aseptic | free of pathogens |
bacteria | disease-causing germ |
biohazard | biological/chemical substance or situation that is dangerous to human beings and the environment |
clarification | the act of making statement or situation less confusing and more comprehensible |
choking | occurs when an object or food becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe, blocking airflow |
cerebral vascular accident | stroke; sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when blood flow to brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to brain |
catheter care | wash hands before procedure make sure urine is flowing into foley bag, check for kinks keep urine bag below level of bladder and heart no tugging on tubing check for signs of inflammation/infection around site clean area twice daily (BID) with water |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation | emergency lifesaving procedure that is done when someone's breathing/heartbeat has stopped; may happen after electrocution, heart attack, or drowning |
circulation | movement of blood through vessels of body that is induced by pumping action of the heart and serves to distribute nutrients and oxygen to and remove waste products from the body |
chemotherapy | usually refers to the use of medicines or drugs to treat cancer |
cataracts | Medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes permanently opaque, resulting in blurred vision |
circulatory system | Organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from cells in body to promote nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature, pH, and maintain homeostasis |
CHF | chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of heart muscle; specifically referring to stage in which fluid builds up around heart causing it to pump inefficiently |
central nervous system | the complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the body; in vertebrates it comprises the brain and spinal cord |
catheter | flexible tube inserted through a narrow opening into a body cavity, particularly the bladder, for removing fluid |
cardiac arrest | Sudden, unexpected loss of heart functions, breathing, consciousness |
burnout | physical/mental collapse caused by overwork or stress |
body temperature | 98.6°F |
abdominal thrusts | series of rapid thrusts to the abdomen to clear the airway |
aphasia | difficulty using or understanding words |
assault | an unlawful personal attack |
basic needs | physical, emotional, mental, and social requirements |
blood pressure | the pressure of blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and diameter and elasticity of arterial walls |
comfort care | essential part of medical care at end of life; care that helps or soothes a person who is dying; goal is to relieve/prevent suffering as much as possible while respecting the dying person's wishes |
cast | care that includes checking for color, edema, motion, and temperature |
confused resident | give simple directions |
care plan | written statement of individual assessed needs identified during community care assessment |
clergy | body of all people ordained for religious duties, esp. in Christian church |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, disease that attacks the immune system, preventing the body from fighting infection |
cancer | disease caused by uncontrolled division or abnormal growth of cells in part of the body; can be malignant or benign |
alzheimer's | a progressive incurable brain disease that affects memory, judgment, and personality |
breathing | process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs |
absorption | the digestive process in which digestive enzymes and juices break down food into many materials the body utilizes |
assistive device | aids to help people regain lost functions |
body mechanics | exercises designed to improve posture, coordination, and stamina |
bath water temperature | 98.6°--110°F |
acute | a type of illness that comes suddenly and requires intense immediate treatment |
combative resident | mechanism a resident uses to communicate a need, want, or desire, when they cannot articulate this verbally |
cognitively impaired | when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life |
confidentiality | The ethical principle or legal right that a physician or other HCP will hold secret all information relating to a pt, unless that pt gives consent permitting disclosure |
fecal impaction | condition that occurs when constipation is not relieved; it may require surgical intervention |
advanced directives | Declarations by Patients, made in advance of a situation in which they may be incompetent to decide about their own care, stating their treatment preferences or authorizing a third party to make decisions for them |
agitation | Also called psychomotor agitation. psychological and physical restlessness, manifested by pacing, hand-wringing, or other activity, sometimes occurring as a symptom of severe depression, schizophrenia, or other mental disorder. |
abductor wedge | designed to separate the legs of a patient. It is often used after hip surgery to prevent the new hip from "popping out". It can also be used to support the legs of an individual with spinal cord injury or severe physical or neurological disabilities |
abnormal vital signs | report to nurse ASAP |
apnea | A transient absence of spontaneous Respiration. |
adaptive equipment | Adaptive equipment are devices that are used to assist with completing activities of daily living. |
addiction | the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. |
anxiety | Feeling or Emotion of dread, apprehension, and impending Disaster but not disabling as with Anxiety Disorders. |
angina, stable | Persistent and reproducible Chest discomfort usually precipitated by a Physical Exertion that dissipates upon cessation of such an activity. The symptoms are manifestations of Myocardial Ischemia. |
atrophy | Decrease in the size of a Cell, Tissue, organ, or multiple organs, associated with a variety of pathological conditions such as abnormal Cellular changes, Ischemia, Malnutrition, or hormonal changes. |
arteries | oxygenated blood goes; away from the heart and to the body |
arthritis | inflammation of joints |
afebrile | without fever |
CVA | Cardiovascular accident also called a stroke |
CPR | abbr for cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
constipation | Infrequent or difficult evacuation of Feces. These symptoms are associated with a variety of causes, including low Dietary Fiber intake, emotional or nervous disturbances, systemic and structural disorders, drug-induced aggravation, and Infections. |
dressing | allow resident/pt to decide what they want to wear; gauze |
dizziness | An imprecise term which may refer to a sense of spatial disorientation, Motion of the Environment, or lightheadedness. |
myocardial infarction | Heart attack |