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sat vocab

absolution forgiveness or passing over of offenses
affirmative answering yes; to a question instead of yes
coddle to treat as a baby or an invalid, to spoil someone
dissipate to disperse or disappear
finite limited
indignant having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meannes or wickedness
juxtapose to place close together or side by side, specially for companion
narrative an orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event
poignant severely painful or acute to the spirit
relapse to suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery
sear to burn on the surface
succumb to cease to resist
fravesty a grotesque or debased likeness of imitation of something
vogue a prevalent way of fashion
writhe to twist the body, face, or limbs or as in pain or distress
abstain to keep oneself back from doing or using something
affluence a profuse or abundant supply of riches
coerse to force
distraught distracted, deeply upset, and bewildered
fluctuate to pass backward and forward irregular from one stage or degree to another
indulgence the yielding to inclination, passion, desire, or prosperity in oneself or another
laborious requiring much work, exersion or perseverance; toilsome
nefarious wicked in the extreme
ponder to meditate or reflect on it
revelant bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand
seclude to place, keep, or with draw from the companionship of other
suggestive stimulating to thought or reflection
treachery violation of allegiance, confidence, or plighted faith
voracious eating with greediness or in very large quantities
fanatic a person with extreme and uncritial enthusiasm for a topic, politics or religion
abstruse dealing with matters difficult to be understood
agitate to move or excite (the feeling or thoughts)
complacement pleased or satisfied with oneself
divulge to tell or make known, as something previously private or secret
formidable difficult to accomplish
inevitable unavoidable
laggard falling behind phisically
negligent apt to omit what ought to be done
precede to happen first
relinguish to give up using or having
seize to catch or take hold of suddenly and forcibly
supercilious exhibiting haughting and careless contempt
trite made common place by frequent repitition
eclecting selecting or choosing from a variety of systems, objects, methodologies; not following one system
foliage leaves of a plant collectively; greeneryb
abstinence self denial
aghast struck with terror and amazement
collaborate to labor or cooperate with another or others, especially in literary or scientific pursuits
divergent tending in different directions
forebode to be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil
inept not fit or suitable
lackadaisical being without vigor or spirit; listless
negate to deny
potent physically powerful
reliance dependence
seethe to be violently excited or agitated
sumptous rich and costly
tremulous characterized by quivering or unsteadiness
vulnerable capable of receiving injuries
zealot one who embraces a cause or pursues an object in a fanatical matter
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