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Medical Terminology
Principles of Health Science 2016 - 2017 Project
Medical Term | Definition |
Anaum Rizvi 6th Period | January 17, 2017 Principles of Health Science |
1. Seb(Word Root) | Sebaceous Glands |
2. Cutane, dermat, derm(Word Root) | Skin |
3. Hidr(Word Root) | Sweat glands |
4. Pil(Word Root) | Hair |
5. Oste, oss, ost(Word Root) | Bones |
6. Chond(Word Root) | Cartilage |
7. Arthr(Word Root) | Joints |
8. Ligament(Word Root) | Ligaments |
9. Myel(Word Root) | Bone marrow |
10. Fasci(Word Root) | Fascia |
11. My(Word Root) | Muscles |
12. Ten, tend, tendin(Word Root) | Tendons |
13. Encephal(Word Root) | Brain |
14. Acoust, ot(Word Root) | Ears |
15. Ocul, opthalm(Word Root) | Eyes |
16. Neur(Word Root) | Nerves |
17. Myel(Word Root) | Spinal cord |
18. Arteri(Word Root) | Arteries |
19. Hem, hemat(Word Root) | Blood |
20. Card, cardi(Word Root) | Heart |
21. Phleb, ven(Word Root) | Veins |
22. Capill(Word Root) | Capillaries |
23. Lymph(Word Root) | Lymph |
24. Splen(Word Root) | Spleen |
25. Thym(Word Root) | Thymus |
26. Tonsill(Word Root) | Tonsils |
27. Laryng(Word Root) | Larynx |
28. Pneum,pneumon(Word Root) | Lungs |
29. Nas(Word Root) | Nose |
30. Pharyng(Word Root) | Pharynx |
31. Trache(Word Root) | Trachea |
32. Sinus(Word Root) | Sinuses |
33. Esophag(Word Root) | Esophagus |
34. Col(Word Root) | Large intestine |
35. Hepat(Word Root) | Liver |
36. Or(Word Root) | Mouth |
37. Pancreat(Word Root) | Pancreas |
38. Enter(Word Root) | Intestine |
39. Gastr(Word Root) | Stomach |
40. Nephr, ren(Word Root) | Kidneys |
41. Ureter(Word Root) | Ureters |
42. Urethr(Word Root) | Urethra |
43. Cyst, vesic(Word Root) | Urinary bladder |
44. Adren(Word Root) | Adrenals |
45. Gonad(Word Root) | Gonads |
46. Pancreat(Word Root) | Pancreas |
47. Parathyroid(Word Root) | Parathyroids |
48. Pineal(Word Root) | Pineal |
49. Pituit(Word Root) | Pituitary |
50. Thym(Word Root) | Thymus |
51. Thyroid(Word Root) | Thyroid |
52. Orch, orchid, test, testicul(Word Root) | Testicles |
53. Oophor, ovari(Word Root) | Ovaries |
54. Hyster, metr, metri, uter(Word Root) | Uterus |
1. -al(Suffix) | Pertaining to |
2. -ase(Suffix) | Enzyme |
3. -blast(Suffix) | Budding |
4. -centesis(Suffix) | Surgical puncture |
5. -cidal(Suffix) | Causing death |
6. -clast(Suffix) | Broken |
7. -crit(Suffix) | To separate |
8. -cyte(Suffix) | Cell |
9. -ectomy(Suffix) | Excision or surgical removal |
10. -emia(Suffix) | Blood condition |
11. -emesis(Suffix) | Vomitting |
12. -gen, -genesis, -genic(Suffix) | Producing |
13. -glia(Suffix) | Glue |
14. -gram(Suffix) | Something written |
15. -ia(Suffix) | Condition of, diseased or abnormal state |
16. -iac, -ic, -ior(Suffix) | Pertaining to |
17. -ism(Suffix) | State of |
18. -itia, itis(Suffix) | Inflammation |
19. -logy(Suffix) | Study of |
20. -lyte(Suffix) | Dissolvable |
21. -lytic(Suffix) | Destroy, reduce |
22. -mania(Suffix) | Madness or insane desire |
23. -megaly(Suffix) | Enlargement |
24. -meter(Suffix) | Instrument used to desire |
25. -odia(Suffix) | Smell |
26. -ologist(Suffix) | One who studies and practices |
27. -oma(Suffix) | Tumor or swelling |
28. -opia(Suffix) | Vision |
29. -opsy(Suffix) | To view |
30. -orrhea(Suffix) | Flow, excessive discharge |
31. -orrhexis(Suffix) | Rupture |
32. -osis(Suffix) | Abnormal increase in production |
33. -ostomy(Suffix) | Creation of an artifical opening |
34. -otomy(Suffix) | Cut into or incision |
35. -oxia(Suffix) | Oxygen |
36. -pathy(Suffix) | Disease |
37. -sclerosis(Suffix) | Hardening |
38. -scope(Suffix) | Instrument used for visual examination |
39. -scopy(Suffix) | Visual examination |
40. -sepsis(Suffix) | Infection |
41. -spasm(Suffix) | Sudden involuntary muscle contraction |
42. -stasis(Suffix) | Control or stop |
43. -tomy(Suffix) | Cutting |
44. -tropic(Suffix) | Influencing |
1. A-, an-(Prefix) | Without or absence of |
2. Ab-(Prefix) | From or away |
3. Ad-(Prefix) | To or towards |
4. Ana-(Prefix) | Up |
5. Ante-(Prefix) | Before |
6. Anti-(Prefix) | Against |
7. Append-(Prefix) | To hang something |
8. Bi-, bin-(Prefix) | Two |
9. Brady-(Prefix) | Slow |
10. Contra-(Prefix) | Against |
11. Di-(Prefix) | Two |
12. Dis-(Prefix) | To undo, free from |
13. Ecto-, exo-, extra-(Prefix) | Outside |
14. Endo-(Prefix) | Within |
15. Epi-(Prefix) | Upon |
16. Erythr-(Prefix) | Red |
17. Glyc-(Prefix) | Sweet |
18. Hyper-(Prefix) | Over |
19. Hypo-(Prefix) | Under |
20. Im-(Prefix) | Not |
21. Infra-(Prefix) | Beneath, below |
22. Inter-(Prefix) | Between |
23. Intra-(Prefix) | Inside |
24. Iso-(Prefix) | Equal |
25. Macro-(Prefix) | Large |
26. Mal-(Prefix) | Bad |
27.Meso-(Prefix) | Middle |
28. Meta-(Prefix) | After |
29. Micro-(Prefix) | Small |
30. Mono-(Prefix) | One |
31. Multi-(Prefix) | Many |
32. Mut-(Prefix) | Change |
33. Neo-(Prefix) | New |
34. Para-(Prefix) | Beside |
35. Patho-(Prefix) | Disease |
36. Peri-(Prefix) | Surrounding |
37. Poly-(Prefix) | Many |
38. Post-(Prefix) | After |
39. Pre-(Prefix) | Before |
40. Pseudo-(Prefix) | False |
41. Re-(Prefix) | Back, again |
42. Retro-(Prefix) | Backward or again |
43. Semi-(Prefix) | Half |
44. Sub-(Prefix) | Under or below |
45. Super-(Prefix) | Beyond, excess |
46. Syn-(Prefix) | Together or joined |
47. Tachy-(Prefix) | Fast |
48. Tetra-(Prefix) | Four |
49. Trans-(Prefix) | Through, across, beyond |
50. Tri-(Prefix) | Three |
51. Ultra-(Prefix) | Over or above |
52. Uni-(Prefix) | One |
1. AA(Abbreviation) | Alcoholics anonymous |
2. a.c.(Abbreviation) | Before meals |
3. AD, a.d.(Abbreviation) | Right ear |
4. ad lib(Abbreviation) | Freely, as often as desired |
5. am, AM(Abbreviation) | Morning |
6. AS, a.s.(Abbreviation) | Left ear |
7. AU, a.u.(Abbreviation) | Each ear |
8. BE(Abbreviation) | Barium enema |
9. BID, b.i.d., bid(Abbreviation) | Twice a day |
10. BP(Abbreviation) | Blood pressure |
11. BR(Abbreviation) | Bedrest |
12. BRP(Abbreviation) | Bathroom privileges |
13. BM(Abbreviation) | Bowel movement |
14. Bx(Abbreviation) | Biopsy |
15. c(Abbreviation) | With |
16. CA, Ca(Abbreviation) | Carcinoma (cancer) |
17. cap.(Abbreviation) | Capsule |
18. disc, DC, d.c.(Abbreviation) | Discontinue |
19. DNR(Abbreviation) | Do not resusciate |
20. Dx, dx(Abbreviation) | Diagnosis |
21. ED(Abbreviation) | Emergency department |
22. ER(Abbreviation) | Emergency room |
23. Fx, fx(Abbreviation) | Fracture |
24. g, gm(Abbreviation) | Gram |
25. gt, gtt(Abbreviation) | Drop, drops |
26. h(Abbreviation) | Hour |
27. h.s.(Abbreviation) | Hour of sleep (bedtime) |
28. Ht., ht(Abbreviation) | Height |
29. inj.(Abbreviation) | Injection |
30. I and O, I/O(Abbreviation) | Intake and output |
31. IV(Abbreviation) | Intravenous |
32. K+, K(Abbreviation) | Potassium |
33. mg(Abbreviation) | Milligram |
34. N&V(Abbreviation) | Nausea and vomiting |
35. Na, Na+(Abbreviation) | Sodium |
36. NC(Abbreviation) | Nasal cannula |
37. NPO(Abbreviation) | Nothing by mouth |
38. NPO p MN(Abbreviation) | Nothing by mouth past bedtime |
39. oint., ung.(Abbreviation) | Ointment |
40. OOB(Abbreviation) | Out of bed |
41. OTC(Abbreviation) | Over the counter |
42. oz.(Abbreviation) | Ounce |
43. P(Abbreviation) | Pulse |
44. p.c.(Abbreviation) | After meals |
45. pH(Abbreviation) | Power of hydrogen concentration |
46. PM, p.m.(Abbreviation) | Afternoon |
47. PO, po, p.o.(Abbreviation) | By mouth |
48. PRN(Abbreviation) | As needed |
49. | Every morning |
50. q.h.(Abbreviation) | Every hour |
51. q.i.d.(Abbreviation) | Four times a day |
52. QNS(Abbreviation) | Quantity not sufficient |
53. q.s.(Abbreviation) | Quantitiy sufficient |
54. r, R(Abbreviation) | Rectal |
55. Rx(Abbreviation) | Prescription |
56. s(Abbreviation) | Without |
57. SOB(Abbreviation) | Shortness of breath |
58. ss(Abbreviation) | One half |
59. stat(Abbreviation) | Immediately |
60. syr.(Abbreviation) | Syrup |
61. susp.(Abbreviation) | Suspension |
62. sup. supp.(Abbreviation) | Suppository |
63. T(Abbreviation) | Temperature |
64. tab.(Abbreviation) | Tablet |
65. tbsp.(Abbreviation) | Tablespoon |
66. TID, t.i.d(Abbreviation) | Three times a day |
67. TPR(Abbreviation) | Temperature, pulse, and respirations |
68. tsp.(Abbreviation) | Teaspoon |
69. Tx(Abbreviation) | Treatment |
70. VS(Abbreviation) | Vital signs |
71. W/C, w/c(Abbreviation) | Wheelchair |