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POLS 203-Ch. 10

Ch. 10 Vocabulary

Mass Media communication channels, such as newspapers and radio and television broadcasts, through which people can communicate to large audiences.
Print Media communication channels that consist of printed materials, such as newspapers and magazines.
Electronic Media communication channels that involve electronic transmissions, such as radio, television, and the internet.
Agenda-Setting the ability to determine which issues are considered important by the public and by politicians.
Priming an agenda-setting technique in which a media outlet promotes specific facts or ideas that may affect the public’s thinking on related topics.
Framing an agenda-setting technique that establishes the context of a media report. Framing can mean fitting events into a familiar story or filtering information through preconceived ideas.
Sound Bite a televised comment, lasting for only a few seconds, that captures a thought or a perspective and has an immediate impact on viewers.
Political Advertising advertising undertaken by or on behalf of a political candidate to familiarize voters with the candidate and his or her views on campaign issues, advertising for or against policy issues.
Negative Political Advertising political advertising undertaken for the purpose of discrediting a candidate in voters’ eyes. Attack ads are one form of negative political advertising.
Personal Attack Ad a negative political advertisement that attacks a candidate’s character.
Issue Ad a political advertisement that focuses on a particular issue. Issue ads can be used to support or attack a candidate’s position or credibility.
Managed News Coverage news coverage that is manipulated (managed) by a campaign manager or political consultant to gain media exposure for a political candidate.
Spin Doctor a political candidate’s press adviser who tries to convince reporters to give a story or event concerning the candidate a particular “spin” (interpretation, or slant).
Spin a reporter’s slant on, or interpretation of, a particular event or action.
Citizen Journalism the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information online by independent journalists, scholars, politicians, and the general citizenry.
Podcasting the distribution of audio or video files to personal computers, or mobile devices such as smartphones.
Created by: Maddyjo
Popular American Government sets




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