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Unit 41: Musculoskeletal System

Bones 206 in the adult body, make up our skeleton, come in all different sizes and shapes.
Bursae small sacs of synovial fluid located around the joints to help reduce friction.
Flexion flexing the arm or the leg (to decrease the angle between the bones).
Extension straightening the arm or the leg (to increase the angle between two bones).
Abduction to move away from the midline (move out to the side).
Adduction to move towards the midline (move out to the side).
Supination palm is facing up (looking at the sky).
Pronation palm is facing down (looking at the floor or ground).
Bursitis inflammation of the bursae.
Cardiac muscle specialized muscles that form the walls of the heart only.
Voluntary muscle skeletal muscles (we have control over these muscles).
Involuntary muscle forms the walls of our internal organs (operate on their own, they are not under our control),
Arthritis inflammation of the joints.
Fracture a break in the bone.
Closed fracture the bone stays under the skin (also called a simple fracture).
Open fracture the bones sticks out through the skin.
Greenstick fracture incomplete fracture, the bones is no broken all the way through (mostly seen in young children).
Comminuted fracture bones is broken in two or more pieces (shattered: many small pieces).
Plantar flexion point the toes down.
Dorsiflexion point the toes up towards your face,
CSM color, sensation, motion.
CMET color, movement, edema, temperature.
ORIF Open Reduction Internal Fixation (surgical procedure to repair a hip fracture which involves an incision at the hip and then the placement of screws or pins to hold the bone together, postop this pt. will only have an incision with staples and a dressing
THA Total Hip Arthroplasty (also called THR/ Total Hip Replacement) involves replacing the hip joint with a prosthetic hip.
Prosthesis artificial limb or part.
Amputation surgical removal of a limb or body part.
BKA Below the Knee Amputation.
AKA Above the Knee Amputation.
ROM Range Of Motion.
Atrophy shrinking and weakening of the muscles due to not being used or exercised.
Contracture joints become stiff and frozen in place in a position of flexion.
Phantom Pain pain experienced in a limb after the limb has been amputated (this pain is real and the pt. should be medicated for it).
Created by: hunnytoons.
Popular Medical sets




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