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Spanish idioms usisng the verb echar (to toss, throw)
Spanish Idiom | English translation | Sample sentence in Spanish | English Translation |
echar a andar | to start walking | Echamos a andar hacia el parque. | We started walking towards the park. |
echar a perder | to spoil | La comida se echó a perder por no refrigerarla. | The food spoiled because it wasn’t refrigerated. |
echar a volar | to start flying | El pájaro echó a volar al amanecer. | The bird started flying at dawn. |
echar la casa por la ventana | to spare no expense | Echaron la casa por la ventana en la boda. | They spared no expense at the wedding. |
echar la culpa | to blame | No me eches la culpa a mí. | Don’t blame me. |
echar la siesta | to take a nap | Voy a echar la siesta después de comer. | I’m going to take a nap after lunch. |
echar raíces | to settle down | Finalmente decidieron echar raíces en esa ciudad. | They finally decided to settle down in that city. |
echar un vistazo | to take a look | Voy a echar un vistazo al informe. | I’m going to take a look at the report. |
echar una mano | to lend a hand | ¿Puedes echarme una mano con esto? | Can you lend me a hand with this? |
echarse a andar | to start walking | Nos echamos a andar hacia la montaña. | We started walking towards the mountain. |
echarse a correr | to start running | Cuando vio al perro, se echó a correr. | When he saw the dog, he started running. |
echarse a dormir | to fall asleep | Después de leer, se echó a dormir. | After reading, he fell asleep. |
echarse a llorar | to burst into tears | Se echó a llorar cuando escuchó la noticia. | She burst into tears when she heard the news. |
echarse a perder | to go bad | La leche se echó a perder. | The milk went bad. |
echarse a reír | to burst into laughter | Todos se echaron a reír con el chiste. | Everyone burst into laughter at the joke. |
echarse a un lado | to step aside | Por favor, échate a un lado. | Please step aside. |
echarse atrás | to back out | No puedes echarte atrás ahora. | You can’t back out now. |
echarse atrás | to lean back | Se echó atrás en la silla. | He leaned back in the chair. |
echarse encima | to come upon | La tormenta se nos echó encima rápidamente. | The storm came upon us quickly. |
echarse una siesta | to take a nap | Después de trabajar, me eché una siesta. | After working, I took a nap. |
echarse a volar | to take off | El avión se echó a volar a las tres. | The plane took off at three. |
echarse a volar | to fly | El pájaro se echó a volar. | The bird flew. |
echarse a volar | to take flight | El águila se echó a volar. | The eagle took flight. |
echarse a perder | to ruin | El proyecto se echó a perder por falta de fondos. | The project was ruined due to lack of funds. |
echarse a perder | to spoil | La fruta se echó a perder. | The fruit spoiled. |
echarse a perder | to spoil | El vino se echó a perder. | The wine spoiled. |
echarse a reír | to laugh | Se echó a reír con la broma. | He laughed at the joke. |
echarse a llorar | to cry | Se echó a llorar al escuchar la noticia. | She cried upon hearing the news. |
echarse a dormir | to go to sleep | Me eché a dormir temprano. | I went to sleep early. |
echarse a dormir | to fall asleep | Se echó a dormir en el sofá. | He fell asleep on the couch. |
echar de menos | to miss | Echo de menos a mi familia. | I miss my family. |