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Sat Vocab

irascible Easily angered
Incense Make angry
presumption Assumption
miscreant Lawbreaker
plodding Slow moving
incumbent Necessary
transitory Short-lasting
piquant Pungent in taste
perpetuate Make something happen indefinitely
snub Reject bluntly
consummate Masterful
conundrum Tough problem
analogous Similar (analogy)
consecrate Make something holy
foible Small weakness
balk Refuse to accept
impermeable Sealed
hamstrung Made powerless
fledgling Inexperienced
endemic Native
aphorism Short saying
fete Celebrate a person
grovel Show fear
buttress Support
coalesce Fuse
compound Make something more intense
begrudge Envy
autonomously Acting independently
carping Fault finding
discriminate Differentiate
remiss Negligent
becoming Suitable
immaterial Not relevant
amok Frenzied
raft Large number
renege Go back on
tout Advertise strongly
tribulation Suffering
checkered Disreputable
dog Pursue something
uncompromising Inflexible
macabre Gruesome
cardinal Most important
vacuous Lacking intelligence
unruly Noisy uncontrollable
corroborate To prove something is true
beatific Blissfully happy
reprobate Unprincipled person
inflammatory Controversial
stymie Hinder
seemly According to customs/traditions
tender Offer up formally
snide Indirectly mocking
ferret Search for
contrite Remorseful (feeling sorry for what one did)
scintillating Brilliant
redress Correct unfairness
fleece Deceive
diabolical Wicked/insane
cavalier Not caring (nonchalant)
raffish Slightly disreputable
heyday Pinnacle of something
pine Yearn for
inclement Lacking mercy (bad weather)
presumptuous Overly forward, audacious
moment Importance
obdurate Stubborn
assail Attack
preempt Take the place of something
laborious Tedious; requiring effort
chauvinist Elitist; prejudice
retiring Shy
maxim Short saying
genteel Refined
collusion Secret cooperation
peruse Read closely with concentration
morph Change dramatically
dispatch Speed, efficiency
flush Abundant
jocular Humorous
abysmal Really horrible
demure Modest, shy
aphoristic Concise, true
virago Screaming woman
pittance Small amount
telling Significant
ascendancy Dominant position
underwrite Support financially
cosmopolitan Sophisticated and global
antedate Precede
start Move suddenly
contemptuous Scornful
imponderable Difficult to assess
thoroughgoing Absolute
boon Helpful thing
clemency Mercy
industrious Hard working
serendipity Luck
facetious Humorous
appreciable Noticeable
badger Pester
travail Hard work
decimation Completely destroy
rakish Disreputable
cornucopia Abundant supply
savvy Well informed
glib Insincere
embroiled In an argument
moot Irrelevant
altruism Concern for others
connive Plot
reservation Doubt
irresolute Uncertain how to act
flounder Struggle
unseemly Not appropriate
aboveboard Honest
martial Warlike
preemptive Done first
errant Straying from course
derogative Insulting
chivalrous Courteous
boorish Ill-mannered
misogynist Hater of women
genial Agreeable
staid Serious, dignified
implicate Convey meaning
junta Group seizing power
perquisite Exclusive right
intermittent Occurring on and off
wanton Showing no limits
uncanny Strange, unsettling
pithy Concise yet expressive
impregnable Indestructible
provisional Not final
pastoral Rural
ascribe Attribute
finagle Get through a tough situation by trickery
screed Abusive rant
disenfranchise Deprive of votes
slapdash Hastily put together
behoove Be one's duty
indict Accuse formally
evenhanded Fair
cerebral Brainy
cadaverous Corpse-like
melee Wild fight
flounder Struggle
check Hold back from doing
abate Lessen; reduce
assuage Lessen the severity of
scrutinize Look carefully
peruse Look carefully
sporadic Occurring irregularly
contrived Too unrealistic
surmised Support without data (assume)
punitive Intended as punishment
indignant Angry
disparate Fundamentally different
wax and wane Increase and decrease (in phases)
telltale Revealing
replete Fully stocked
urbane Sophisticated
veneer Disguising layer
whimsical Driven by impulse
exhort Encourage
stolid Having little emotion
elicit Bring out emotions
assuage Make less severe
respite Pause from work
cogent Convincing
exonerate Remove blame
egalitarian Believing in equal rights
ineluctable Inevitable
vicarious Not lived directly
loquacious Talkative
abstruse Difficult to understand
vindicate Clear someone of blame
buttress Support
contrive Create a situation
paucity Lack of
innocuous Harmless
detractor Someone who disparages
engender Give rise to
capricious Sudden and unaccountable changes
alacrity Ready and cheerful
vilify Disparage someone
absolve Clear someone's name
concomitant Naturally accompanied by
virtuosity Mastery in music
impervious Not affected by
verdant Green with grass
sequester Isolate or hide away
elide Omit something when speaking
obviate Remove a difficulty
outstrip Overtake, surpass
noxious Harmful
defunct No longer operative
insular Ignorant or uninterested
insuperable Non-solvable
pernicious Deadly
prudence Being cautious
banal Very unoriginal
stalwart Hardworking
ostentatious Showy
inextricable Impossible to separate
tenuous Very weak or slight
fecund Productive (fertile land)
verdant Green with grass
rancid Oily smell
emphatic Saying something with force
perplexed Confused
verisimilitude Realism
ajar Slightly open
salvage Rescue
overhaul Repair
uncouth Ill-behaved (boorish)
dissonance Lack of arrangement
astute Shrewd
briny Salty
succumb To give in
egotist Being elitist
cumbersome Difficult
congenial Amicable, friendly
amiable Friendly
affable Likable
voluminous Large in size
ameliorate To lessen the misery
augment To increase in size
repudiate Reject
recant Assert but then take back a statement
surmise To predict something without knowing all; assuming
nuanced Subtly different
malicious Evil
mellifluous Pleasing and musical to hear
pernicious Harmful in a gradual way
precarious Dangerous
derisive Hateful, scornful
prolific Creative, fruitful
sporadic Happening at irregular intervals
soporific Tending to cause sleep
embellished Decorated
contentious Argumentative, inflammatory
dubious Doubtful
spurious Fake
leery Distrustful
impede Slow down
credence Belief
perennial Everlasting
glean Collect
deride Put down
incense Make someone furious
inundate Flood
tawdry Cheap and showy
extenuate Make less guilty
unconscionable Unreasonable
bellicose Warlike
abate To lessen; to reduce the impact
abet To support; to encourage
abhor To hate something
abnegate To deny or give up the right to something
abscond To run away from something
advocate To support or argue for a cause
allude Hint at something
esoteric Something only a few people will understand
excursion Trip
excogitate Think out properly
eulogy Poem to celebrate achievements after death
elegy Sad poem or writing to lament someone's death
obituary Newspaper article announcing someone's death
paradigm Pattern
veracity Being true
vestige A trace or mark left by something
vilify To utter slanderous statements against
ubiquitous Present everywhere
utilitarian Someone who believes in the value of something based on usefulness
tirade Angry speech
torpid Lacking energy
travesty An inferior imitation
sanctity The quality of being holy
sanctimonious Holier-than-thou attitude
spur Something that gives motivation
spurn Reject with contempt
solicit Try to obtain something
surreptitious Made or acquired by stealth and secrecy
sanguine Cheerful; having the color of blood
relegate To lower in position
requisite Something that is necessary
arbitrary Whimsical
pugnacious Eager or ready to fight
endured Suffered through
depute Designate or delegate
affirm/avow State publicly
venerate Regard with respect
gamut Range or scope
precarious Dangerous
temporal Relating to worldly or non-spiritual affairs
throng A mass of people
satiate/slake Satisfied to the full
renunciate Formal rejection of something
rear Nurture
precipitation Acting suddenly and rashly
emphatically Clearly
agility Speed/constantly moving
obscure Less known
ratified Signed or given consent to make something official
impertinent Irrelevant
reverence Deep respect for something
sheer unmitigated
viable Something that can be done
snobbish Proud of their social status; unlikeable
pertinent Relevant
moot Irrelevant
perturbed Disturbed
decree An official order that has the power of law
surly Bad temper
resounding Major
exactitude Being precise and accurate
heretical Believing or practicing religious heresy (holding an opinion at odds with the normal view)
conditioning Training something to behave a certain way
imperative Of vital importance
insipid Dull; bland
raucous Making harsh loud noise
Created by: Vishal Goyal
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