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Fish Familys FWF315

Percidae Darters, Perch, Walleye - 2 dorsal fins (1st w/ spines, 2nd w/ rays), distinctly separated - Pelvic fins just behind pectoral fins - Highly diverse (2nd most) - Important host for freshwater mussels EX: Yellow Perch, Walleye, Redline Darter
Salmonidae Salmon, Trout - Adipose fin - Single dorsal fin - No spines on fins - Important sport + commerical fishes, widely introduced in freshwater systems EX: Brook, Rainbow Trout
Moronidae Bass - Oblong, slightly compressed bodies - 2 dorsal fins - Spines on anal fin - Opercular spines EX: Striped, white, yellow bass
Centrarchidae Sunfish, Crappies, Fliers - Widely recognized, popular freshwater game fishes - Deep-bodied, laterally compressed - 2 dorsal fins 1st spines 2nd rays - Nest builders males guard nests EX: Black, Spotted Bass ; Bluegill, green sunfish, white crappie
Polydontidae Paddlefish - Primitive, ancient living fossils - Cartilaginous - Heterocercal caudal fin - No fins, just scutes EX: American, Chinese Paddlefish
Ictaluridae Catfish, Madtoms, Bullheads - Barbels "whiskers" - Adipose fin w/ sensory function for swimming - Spines at dorsal + pectoral fin origins EX: Channel, Blue, Flathead catfish / Brown, yellow, black bullhead / Smoky, Yellowfin Madtom
Leuciscidae Daces, Chubs, Minnows, Shiners - Highly diverse, variety of habitats - Small fishes - Pelvic fins in abdominal region, 1 dorsal fin - No teeth in jaws, pharyngeal jaws - Many nest builders EX: Whitetail, Tennessee Shiner ; River chub ; Laurel Dace
Catostomidae Hogsuckers - Subterminal mouth w/ thick lips - Omnivorous - Single dorsal fin - Anal fin situated further back relative to dorsal fin - Pharyngeal teeth EX: Northern hogsucker, white sucker, smallmouth buffalo
Lepisosteidae Gar - Primitive fishes - Long, cylindrical bodies, slender snouts w/ sharp teeth - Ganoid scales - Use swim blaader as lung to breath air EX: Alligator, Longnose, Spotted gar
Clupeiformes Herrings, Shads - Deep-bodied, silvery - Feed on planktonic organisms - Easily shed cycloid scales - Short life spans - Typically associate in large schools - Important forage species in both marine + freshwater system EX: Gizzard, threadfin shad
Acipenseridae Sturgeon
Created by: mmill237
Popular Science sets




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