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to confuse or throw into an awkward predicament discombobulate
egalitarian arising from a belief equality for all persons; fairness to all parties
eccentric unpredictable; erratic; unconventional behavior
allude imply; to make reference to
debilitate to enfeeble or weaken
dichotomy division into two halves, pairs, or sets
acrimonious mean spirited, bitter, or ill natured
chivalrous honorable
edification enlightenment; the process sharing important insights with someone else
acquiescense the act of passive arguement; without objection
celibacy the quality of being chaste
emulate to strive to match or improve or imitate
dissolotion the act of dissolving into fragments or parts
brash impudent; hasty
consummate to complete or finalize
copious abundant; large or generous
brevity shortness; to the point
disparity the condition of being inequivalent or unequeal
clemency mercy toward a wrongdoer
consortium a union, partnership, or alliance
construe to translate or analyze structurally
commensurate having an equal measure
excommunicate to banish, to revoke one's status as a member in a group
exacerbate to worsen or aggravate
egregious glagrantly incorrect or bad
disparage to speak or write in such a way as to diminish another's reputation
amenable agreeable; open to suggestions
abrogate to nullify or cancel
antiquity dating back to ancient times
enunciate to articulate or pronounce
benediction a formal blessing; good wishes
adulation extreame praise, admiration, or flattery, especially of a servile nature
enigmatic puzzling or perplexing;ambiguous
delapidated to fall into disrepair
baccalaureate degree receibed after undergraduate course completion
debonair sopisticated and charming
egocentric selfish; tending toward the belief that one's own existence is all important
expeditious speed and efficient; to do so in a brisk manner
eradicate to do away with, and leave no sign of
charismatic special quality associated with leadership
emancipate to liberate; free from restraint or oppression
belligerent agressive or pungnacious
aberattion diverging from a moral standard or expected course
blithe cheerful or merry; carefree
eclectic choosing from a variety; diverse selection of items and styles
adduce to cite as an example or justification
Carpe Diam Seize the day
bestow to confer or give
adherent someone who is devoted to a cause opinion
embellish to ornament and beautify; to improve in appearance by adornment
desecrate to abuse the sacred character of a thing
Created by: tybeastie
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