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Question | Answer |
A | without |
AB/ABS | off, away from, apart, down |
AC/ACR | sharp, bitter |
ACT/AG | to do, to drive, to force, to lead |
AD/AL | to, toward, near |
AL/ALI/ALTER | other, another |
AM | love |
AMB | to go, to walk |
AMB/AMPH | around |
AMB/AMPH | both, more than one |
ANIM | life, mind, soul, spirit |
ANNU/ENNI | year |
ANTE | before |
ANTHRO/ANDR | man, human |
ANTI | against |
APO | away |
APT/EPT | skill, fitness, ability |
ARCH/ARCHI | chief, principal |
ARCHY | ruler |
ART | skill, craft |
AUC/AUG/AUX | to increase |
AUTO | self |
BE | to be, to have a certain quality |
BEL/BELL | war |
BEN/BON | good |
BI | twice, doubly |
BRI/BREV | brief, short |
CAD/CID | to fall, to happen by chance |
CAND | to burn |
CANT/CENT/CHANT | to sing |
CAP/CIP/CAPIT/CIPIT | head, headlong |
CAP/CIP/CEPT | to take, to get |
CARD/CORD/COUR | heart |
CARN | flesh |
CAST/CHAST | cut |
CAUST | to burn |
CED/CEED/CESS | to go, to yield, to stop |
CENTR | center |
CERN/CERT/CRET/CRIM/CRIT | to separate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide |
CHRON | time |
CIRCU | around, on all sides |
CIS | to cut |
CIT | to set in motion |
CLA/CLO/CLU | shut, close |
CLAIM/CLAM | to shout, to cry out |
CLI | to lean toward |
CO/COL/COM/CON | with, together |
CRAT/CRACY | to govern |
CRE/CRESC/CRET | to grow |
CRED | to believe, to trust |
CRYP | hidden |
CUB/CUMB | to lie down |
CULP | blame |
CUR/COUR | running, a course |