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PSAT M Word List

Word list for 2009-2010

maelstrom whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind
magnanimous generous, noble in spirit
magnate powerful or influential person
malady illness
malapropism humorous misuse of a word
malcontent discontented person, one who holds a grudge
malefactor evil-doer; culprit
malevolent ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others
malice animosity, spite, hatred
malinger to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
mandatory necessary, required
mannered artificial or stilted in character
mar to damage, deface; spoil
maritime relating to the sea or sailing
martial warlike, pertaining to the military
martinet strict disciplinarian, one who rigidly follows rules
maudlin overly sentimental
mawkish sickeningly sentimental
medieval relating to the Middle Ages (about a.d. 500-1500)
melancholy sadness, depression
menagerie various animals kept together for exhibition
mendacious dishonest
mendicant beggar
mentor experienced teacher and wise adviser
mercurial quick, shrewd, and unpredictable
meretricious gaudy, falsely attractive
meritorious deserving reward or praise
metamorphosis change, transformation
metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
meticulous extremely careful, fastidious, painstaking
mettle courageousness; endurance
militate to operate against, work against
misanthrope person who hates human beings
misconstrue to misunderstand, fail to discover
miserliness extreme stinginess
misnomer an incorrect name or designation
missive note or letter
mitigate to soften, or make milder
mnemonic relating to memory; designed to assist memory
mollify to calm or make less severe
molt (v) to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
monastic extremely plain or secluded (as in a monastery)
monologue dramatic speech performed by one actor
montage composite picture
moot debatable; purely academic, deprived of practical significance
morbid gruesome; relating to disease; abnormally gloomy
moribund dying, decaying
morose gloomy, sullen, or surly
morsel small bit of food
mote small particle, speak
motley many colored; composed of diverse parts
mottle to mark with spots
mundane worldly; commonplace
munificent generous
mutability changeability
myriad immense number; multitude
Created by: rierei1971
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