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quadruped a 4-footed animal
quaff to gulp; to drink in large quantities
quagmire a swamp; a difficult situation
quail to lose courage
quaint pleasing or amusing
qualm a feeling of uneasiness
quandary a puzzling situation
quarry being hunted
quash to cancel
quasi resembling
quaver to tremble
quay a wharf
queasy uneasy
quell to calm down
querulous complaining
query a question
quest a search
queue a line of people
quibble petty argument
quiddity essential quality
quidnunc a gossip
quiescent motionless
quietus finishing stroke; anything that ends an activity
quintessence essence of something
quip a witty remark
quirk a peculiar characteristic; a sudden twist or turn
quiver to tremble
quixotic extremely idealistic
quizzical questioning or puzzled
quotidian daily
saccharine overly sweet
sacrilege the violation of things sacred
sacrosanct extremely holy
sadistic pleasure from inflicting pain
saga a long story
sage a wise person
salacious obscene
salient significant
saline salty
sallow sickly pale
salubrious healthful
salutary healthful; wholesome
salutatory a welcoming speech
sanctimonious hypocritical
sanction to authorize
sangfroid calmness
sanguinary bloody
sanguine cheerful or hopeful
sapient wise
sardonic mocking
sartorial pertaining to tailoring or clothes
satiated satisfied; filled up
satirical sarcastic; ironic
saturate to soak; to fill up
saturnine gloomy; sluggish
saunter to stroll; to walk leisurely
savant a person of extensive learning
savor to enjoy
scant inadequate in size or amount
scapegoat one who takes the blame
scathing very severe or harsh
schism a split or break
scintilla a tiny amount
scintillate to sparkle
scion a descendant
scoff to ridicule
scope range; extent
scourge a person or thing that punishes
scrupulous honest or exact; careful; diligent
scrutinize to examine closely
scurrilous abusive or vulgar
scurry run about; to hurry
scuttle to abandon
sear to burn
sebaceous fatty
secrete to hid or conceal
secular worldly
sedate quiet or calm
sedentary sitting most of the time
sediment material that settles on the bottom; residue
sedition rebellion
sedulous hard-working; industrious; diligent
seedy run-down
deethe to be violently angry
semblance outward appearance
senile mental weakness; old or aged
sensual pertaining to pleasure
sententious using wise sayings
sentient conscious
sentinel a guard
sepulcher a tomb
sequel an event following a previous one
sequester to separate
seraphic pure
serendipity a talent for valuable things by accident
serene peaceful
serrated having tooth-like edges
serene peaceful
serpentine winding or crafty
Created by: TXGrits
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