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Week 3 Vocab

quadruped a 4-footed animal
quaff to gulp; to drink in large quantities
quagmire a swamp; a difficult situation
quail to lose courage
quaint pleasing or amusing
qualm a feeling of uneasiness
quandary a puzzling situation
quarry being hunted
quash to cancel
quasi resembling
quaver to tremble
quay a wharf
queasy uneasy
quell to calm down
querulous complaining
query a question
quest a search
queue a line of people
quibble petty argument
quiddity essential quality
quidnunc a gossip
quiescent motionless
quietus finishing stroke; anything that ends an activity
quintessence essence of something
quip a witty remark
quirk a peculiar characteristic; a sudden twist or turn
quiver to tremble
quixotic extremely idealistic
quizzical questioning or puzzled
quotidian daily
saccharine overly sweet
sacrilege the violation of things sacred
sacrosanct extremely holy
sadistic pleasure from inflicting pain
saga a long story
sage a wise person
salacious obscene
salient significant
saline salty
sallow sickly, pale
salubrious healthful
salutary healthful; wholesome
salutatory a welcoming speech
sanctimonious hypocritical
sanction to authorize
sangfroid calmness
sanguinary bloody
sanguine cheerful or hopeful
sapient wise
sardonic mocking
sartorial pertaining to tailoring or clothes
satiated satisfied; filled up
satirical sarcastic; ironic
saturate to soak; to fill up
saturnine gloomy; sluggish
saunter to stroll; to walk leisurely
savant a person of extensive learning
savor to enjoy
scant inadequate in size or amount
scapegoat one who takes the blame
scathing very severe or harsh
schism a split or break
scintilla a tiny amount
scintillate to sparkle
scion a descendant
scoff to ridicule
scope range; extent
scourge a person or thing that punishes
scrupulous honest or exact; careful; diligent
scrutinize to examine closely
scurrilous abusive or vulgar
scurry run about; to hurry
scuttle to abandon
sear to burn
sebaceous fatty
secrete to hide or conceal
secular worldly
sedate quiet or calm
sedentary sitting most of the time
sediment material that settles on the bottom; residue
sedition rebellion
sedulous hard-working; industrious; diligent
seedy run-down
seethe to be violently angry
semblance outward appearance
senile mental weakness; old or aged
sensual pertaining to pleasure
sententious using wise sayings
sentient conscious
sentinel a guard
sepulcher a tomb
sequel an event following a previous one
sequester to separate
seraphic pure
serendipity a talent for valuable things by accident
serene peaceful
serrated having tooth-like edges
serpentine winding or crafty
servile acting like a slave; submissive
servitude slavery
sever to separate or cut
shackle to restrain
sham a pretense
shard a fragment
sheepish bashful
shibboleth a password
shiftless lazy
shoal a shallow place in the water
shrew a nagging woman
shroud a sheet in which a body is wrapped for burial
sibilant hissing
sibling a brother or sister
simile a comparison using like or as
simper a silly smile
simulacrum superficial likeness or image
simulate to pretend; to imitate
simultaneous occurring at the same time
sinecure job with no real work
sinewy tough or firm
singular extraordinary or exceptional
sinister threatening evil
sinuous winding
siren an attractive but dangerous woman
skeptic one who doubts
skinflint stingy person
skittish excitable or nervous
skulduggery deception
skulk to sneak around
slake to quench or satisfy
slander to speak falsely against someone
slither to slide or glide
slough to discard
slovenly untidy or dirty
smirk an offensive smile
smite to hit forcefully
smolder to burn without flame; to conceal hostility
smug self-satisfied
snare to trap
sneer to look at with contempt
snicker to laugh in a suppressed way
snippet a small part
snivel to whine; to complain
sober not drunk; serious; solemn
sobriquet assumed name
sodden soaked, damp
sojourn a brief stay or visit
solace comfort
solecism ungrammatical usage
solemn serious; grave
solicit to ask; to seek
solicitude concern
soliloquy talking to oneself
solitude loneliness; being alone
solon a wise man
solvent the ability to pay; a substance that dissolves another
somber dark or gloomy
somnambulate walk in one's sleep
somnolent drowsy; sleepy
sonorous resounding
sophistry seemingly believable but false reasoning
sophomoric immature
soporific sleep inducing
sordid filthy; base; vile
sovereign supreme in power
spangle small metallic ornamentation sewn to clothing
sparse not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
spasm fitful, involuntary contraction
spate sudden flood or strong outburst; a large number or amount
specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect
specter ghost-like image
sphinx-like mysterious
splenetic spiteful; irritable
sporadic occurring irregularly
spry active; nimble
spume foam
spurious false; counterfeit
spurn reject
squalid dirty; poor
squander waste
staccato done in a sharp or abrupt manner
stagnant motionless; stale; not moving
staid serious; sedate
stalemate deadlock
stalwart strong; steadfast
stamina staying power
stanch check the flow of
stanza a section of a poem
stark real; unadorned
static unchanging; stationary; not moving
stationary not moving
statute law
steadfast loyal
stentorian extremely loud
stereotype fixed representation; not original
sterling outstanding
stigma mark of disgrace
stilted pompous; inflated
stint assigned amount of work
stipend pay for services
stipulate special condition or demand
stoic indifferent to pleasure or pain
stolid dull; unemotional
stratagem deceptive scheme
strew scatter
striated parallel bands or grooved
stricture critical comments
strident loud and harsh
stringent binding; rigid; harsh; strict
strut pompous walk or supporting bar
stultify cause to appear foolish
stupefy to make dull
stygian gloomy; deathly
stymie to block or stump
suave smooth
subjective personal
subjugate to conquer; bring under control
sublimate purify
sublime exalted; noble
subliminal below conscious thought
submission yielding to; surrender
subordinate inferior
subsequent following
subservient behaving like a slave
subside settle down; descend
subsidiary subordinate; secondary
subsistence minimum means of support
substantiate verify or support
substantive essential
subterfuge pretense
subtle not obvious; hard to see
subtlety cunning; delicacy
subversive to overthrow or ruin
succinct brief; compact
succor aid; assistance
succulent juicy; richness
succumb give in
suffrage right to vote
suffuse to spread
sully tarnish; soil
sultry hot; sweltering
sumptuous lavish; rich
supercilious contemptuous; arrogant; haughty
superficial shallow; on the surface only
superfluous excessive; unnecessary
supernal heavenly
supernumerary in excess of what is necessary
supersede to be set aside; replace
supine lying on the back
supplant replace
supple flexible
supplement added to
suppliant entreating; pleading
supplicate to implore or beg for
supposititious assumed; hypothetical
surcease cessation
surmise assume
surpass exceed
surreptitious secret
surrogate substitute
surveillance watching
susceptible easily influenced; having little resistance
sustenance means of support
suture stitches
swarthy dark
swathe wrap around; bandage
sybarite lover of luxury
sycophant a flatterer
sylvan pertaining to the woods; rustic
symbiosis a close, beneficial association of two organisms
symmetry balanced arrangement
synchronous working together at the same time
synthesis combining parts into a whole
synthetic artificial
tableau a graphic picture
taboo prohibited act
tacit expressed without words
taciturn silent; talking little
tactile pertaining to the sense of touch
taint to contaminate; corrupt
talisman a charm
tally to add up
tangent touching or a change of course
tantalize lease
tantamount equal
tarry delay
taunt to ridicule
taut tight; ready
tawdry cheap and gaudy
tedious boring; tiring
temerity boldness
temper restrain; toughen
temperate mild or self-controlled
temporal not lasting forever
temporize avoid committing oneself; gain time
tenacious holding fast
tenacity persistency
tendentious biased
tedious boring; painstaking
tenet doctrine; beliefs
tensile capable of being stretched
tentative temporary; hesitant
tenuous rare; slim
tenure time of holding an office
tepid lukewarm
terminate to end
terminus last stop
terrestrial earthly
terse brief
testy irritable
theocracy government by religious leaders
therapeutic pertaining to the treatment of disease
thermal pertaining to heat
thesaurus a book of synonyms and antonyms; a dictionary
thespian an actor
thrall a slave
threnody a funeral song
throes a violent struggle; in agony
throng a crowd
thwart to prevent
timorous cowardly
tinge a trace
tirade an angry speech
titanic huge
titillate to excite
titter a nervous laugh
token a symbol; unimportant
tome a large book
toothsome tasty
torpid sluggish
torsion twisting; bending
torso the trunk of the human body
tortuous twisting or winding
touchstone standard; benchmark
tractable easy to manage
traduce to slander
trait a characteristic
tranquil calm
transcend to go beyond
transcendental supernatural
transgression a violation
transient temporary
transitory brief
translucent letting light through
transmute to change from one form to another
transparent easily seen through
transpire to occur
trappings articles of dress or equipment
trauma a shock
travail hard work
travesty a poor imitation
treacherous disloyal or dangerous
treatise a book about one particular subject
treble three times as much
tremulous trembling
trenchant vigorous or effective
trepidation fear
tribulation trouble
tributary a stream flowing into a river
tribute a gift to show respect
trinity a group of three
trite worn out or commonplace
trivia things that are very unimportant
truckle to submit
truculent brutal or cruel
truism obvious truth
truncate to shorten
truncheon a club
tryst a secret meeting
tumid swollen
tumult great noise
turbid unclear
turgid swollen
turpitude shameful behavior
tussle a fight
tutelage instruction; under a tutor
twain two
tyro a beginner
Created by: CCHSNMPC
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