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TiennyBier SAT 3

cynical n a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.
supernaturalism n supernatural character or agency.
extricated vo to free or release from entanglement; disengage
melancholy n a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression.
covert a concealed; secret; disguised.
overt a open to view or knowledge; not concealed or secret
reconnoiter vo to inspect, observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy's strength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gain information for military purposes.
Renaissance the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.
epitaph n a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site.
dirge n a funeral song or tune, or one expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead.
despondent a feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom
deplete vo to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of
surfeit n excess; an excessive amount
commodious a spacious and convenient; roomy
flagrant a shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring
spacious a containing much space as a house, room, or vehicle; amply large.
flotsam n the part of the wreckage of a ship and its cargo found floating on the water.
celestial a pertaining to the sky or visible heaven.
terrestrial a pertaining to, consisting of, or representing the earth as distinct from other planets.
rebuff n a blunt or abrupt rejection, as of a person making advances.
insurgent n a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, especially a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel.
rebel n a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country.
prolific a producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive
dispassionate a free from or unaffected by passion; devoid of personal feeling or bias; impartial; calm
indict vo (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial
reproach vo to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame; censure.
reprove vo to criticize or correct, especially gently
reprimand n a severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority.
upbraid vo to find fault with or reproach severely; censure
berate vo to scold; rebuke
rebuke vo to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
censure n strong or vehement expression of disapproval
reciprocate vo to give, feel, etc., in return.
backfire vw to bring a result opposite to that which was planned or expected
incentive n something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.
Created by: TiennyBier
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