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Vocab 21-23


witticism n. A witty or clever remark or saying
whimsical adj. Playful or fanciful
mirth n. Gladness or lightheartedness
ludicrous adj. Laughable because of an obvious absurdity
hilarity n. Loud and lively merriment; boisterousness
flippant adj. Marked by a disrespectful frivolity
droll adj. Amusingly odd or comical
facetious adj. Playfully humorous
banter n. Good-humored, playful conversation
vile adj. Unpleasant, disgusting
unscrupulous adj. Without principles
ruffian n. A tough or rowdy person
purloin trans. v. To steal
caricature n. A distorted, comic representation
misdemeanor n. AN offense less serious than a felony
culpable adj. Responsible for wrong or error
incorrigible adj. Incapable of being reformed
sentiment n. A thought or attitude based on feeling
sententious adj. Likely to give advice self-righteously
presentiment n. A sense of something about to occur; foreshadowing
sensational adj. Arousing great interest
sensibility n. Ability to feel, sense, or perceive
pathology n. Scientific and medical study of a disease
apathy n. Lack of feeling or emotions
assent n. Acceptance or a proposal or statement; agreement
empathy n. Understanding of another's feelings or situation
pathetic adj. Expressing or arousing pity or tenderness
exonerate trans. v. To free from a charge
extort trans. v. To obtain by threats or other coercive means
illicit adj. Not permitted by custom law; illegal
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