Across |
4 | People will look back at what has happened recently, and think forward to what the parties are promising and make an informed decision. I.e _____ Party campaign 2015 "long term economic plan" |
6 | Explain the term 'long term _____ factor' |
7 | 2015- Labour vote share among minorities is 65% _____ to 28% from white British - 6% of Black Africans, compared to 22% of Indian origin |
10 | A lack of interest, _____ or concern for political matters, apathetic voters usually abstain from voting, because they fail to see the point or benefit |
11 | Approximately how many _____ live in a constituency? |
12 | 1979- Thatcher reached out to unemployed working class (Labour isn't working)
1997- Blair reached out to _____ middle class with taxation policy |
Down |
1 | The idea that the candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not this _____ an overall majority |
2 | - Participation (low in local elections, EU elections and referenda, _____ issue parties do not win power, FTPT system means all votes not equal)
- Not a d-cratic system (HoL unelected, erosion of CL, presidential government, increase in QUANGOs) |
3 | - People have more demands on time etc.
- low part. suggests 'hapathy'
- nothing we do will make any _____ |
5 | - People _____ themselves to media whose views they most agree with
- only reinforces views, does not change them |
8 | 25% of the population were involved to a significant _____, 50% participated and the remaining 25% were inactive |
9 | The ability to Government to direct their citizens towards a goal because the majority of people _____ their right to rule. Implies that force will not have to be used, 'power cloaked in righfullness', like the Government's mandate to rule |