Across |
1 | On Yang channels, what element corresponds to the Ying Spring? |
3 | According to the Nan Jing the Jing Wells treat _____ below the HT, LR and Wind. True or False? |
4 | What is the needling technique of the Jing Wells? |
6 | The Jing Well is where Qi starts to what? |
7 | Jing Wells treat Fullness below which Zang? |
8 | How do you prep a Jing Well _____ needling? |
9 | Jing Wells are either the first or what point on their _____ channels? |
Down |
1 | On Yang channels the Shu Stream is what element? |
2 | He Sea points are located close to what parts of the body? |
3 | On Yin channels, what element corresponds to the Yin Spring? |
5 | According to the Ling Shu the Jing Wells treat diseases of the Zang. True or False? |
7 | Jing Wells powerfully clear what from opposite ends of the channel? |