APUSH Unit 9..

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Category: Answer
ArmyQuestion: What group did Joseph McCarthy attack for being communist that became his downfall?11false
inventionWhat _____ made sex a more casual thing?20true
resistanceGive an example of the peaceful _____ shown by African Americans in this era.30true
Ho Chi Minh TrailQuestion: Secret trail through Cambodia that North Vietnam used to get supplies61false
Cold WarQuestion: Competition between capitalism and communism71false
George KennonQuestion: Who sent the Long Telegram?81false
betweenWhat were the 5 main causes of tension _____ the US and USSR?90true
detonationWhy was the Soviet _____ of the atomic bomb significant?100true
Bay of PigsQuestion: Attempt by Cuban refugees to overthrow Castro that failed horribly111false
EisenhowerHow did _____ end the Korean War?120true
checkedProgram that background _____ federal employees to make sure they weren't communist140true
Dallas, TXQuestion: City where JFK was shot151false
VietnamTwo US ships were fired on by North _____161true
ChurchillQuestion: Who gave the Iron Curtain speech?181false
fulfilledWhat percentage of women _____ non-traditional roles in the 1950s?190true
Title 9Question: Law that said it was against the law to discriminate sexually in any educational program201false
Johnson TreatmentQuestion: LBJ's method of bullying people into doing what he wants211false
soldiersCity where a soldier killed 200 innocent people in Vietnam that made the public disgusted with the war and _____ in general220true
Berlin WallQuestion: Structure that was the iconic symbol of the Cold War241false
Warsaw PactQuestion: Defense alliance joined by the USSR in response to us joining NATO251false