Question | Answer |
What group did Joseph McCarthy attack for being communist that became his downfall? | Army |
What invention made sex a more casual thing? | Birth control |
Give an example of the peaceful resistance shown by African Americans in this era. | Sit ins at restaurants |
Supreme Court case that called for the desegregation of schools | Brown v. Board of Education |
What group did Joseph McCarthy go after that was just too far? | Army |
Secret trail through Cambodia that North Vietnam used to get supplies | Ho Chi Minh Trail |
Competition between capitalism and communism | Cold War |
Who sent the Long Telegram? | George Kennon |
What were the 5 main causes of tension between the US and USSR? | We took a long time to recognize the USSR as a country; we delayed the western front of WWII; we stopped giving lend-lease to USSR; Soviets invade nearby countries to create buffer; US wants to make sure Europe doesn't go communist |
Why was the Soviet detonation of the atomic bomb significant? | It leveled the playing field - we were no longer the only ones who had one. |
Attempt by Cuban refugees to overthrow Castro that failed horribly | Bay of Pigs |
How did Eisenhower end the Korean War? | He used the threat of nuclear weapons to make China sign an armistice |
Book by Betty Friedan that challenged the cult of domesticity | The Feminine Mystique |
Program that background checked federal employees to make sure they weren't communist | Loyalty Review Program |
City where JFK was shot | Dallas, TX |
What event caused Congress to allow us to get involved in the Vietnam War? | Two US ships were fired on by North Vietnam |
Conference with USSR that called for limitation of missiles | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
Who gave the Iron Curtain speech? | Churchill |
What percentage of women fulfilled non-traditional roles in the 1950s? | 20-25% |
Law that said it was against the law to discriminate sexually in any educational program | Title 9 |
LBJ's method of bullying people into doing what he wants | Johnson Treatment |
City where a soldier killed 200 innocent people in Vietnam that made the public disgusted with the war and soldiers in general | Mylai, Vietnam |
What happened to industry as a result of the baby boomers? | They benefited a lot. |
Structure that was the iconic symbol of the Cold War | Berlin Wall |
Defense alliance joined by the USSR in response to us joining NATO | Warsaw Pact |
Cheap housing where all houses look the same | Levy housing |
Why was Kennedy slow to get into the civil rights movement? | Any thing radical was related to communism |
What was the first thing Ford did as President? | Pardon Nixon |
Name for societal changes in the 60s | Counter-culture |
Act that gave LBJ the power to do whatever he thought was right against North Vietnam; Congress basically gave up their power to declare war | Tonkin Gulf Resolution |
What were the main problems during Carter's presidency? | Bad economy, Iranian Hostage Crisis |
Amendment that lowered the voting age to 18 | 26th Amendment |
What three events happened during this era that showed the roots of the civil rights movement? | Military integrated; desegregation of schools; Warren Court |
Relationship where politics controls the military | Military Industrial Complex |
Who killed MLK? | James Earl Ray |
What was created in response to the USSR launching Sputnik? | NASA |
Amendment that banned poll taxes | 24th Amendment |
Telegram that said the US and USSR couldn't coexist; we couldn't overthrow their government but we couldn't let it expand | Long Telegram |
Communist leader of China | Mao Ze Dong |
What document proved that Alger Hiss was a communist? | Pumpkin Papers |
Who became the leader of the USSR after Stalin died? | Kruschev |
Oil coalition formed by Middle Eastern countries | OPEC |
MLK's leading of 2000 protestors where he gave his "I Have a Dream" speech | March on Washington |
What was the one positive thing Nixon did as President? | Got better relations with China and USSR |
Couple accused of giving nuclear secrets to the USSR that was found guilty and executed | Rosenburgs |
How did we gain an advantage after the Soviets detonated the atomic bomb? | We detonated a hydrogen bomb |
What was the first thing Johnson did when he took over for JFK? | Assembled Warren Commission to investigate his assassination |
What three factors made someone most likely to be drafted into the army? | Young, poor, probably African American |
Coordinated attack on all North Vietnamese major cities that proved there was no way we could win | Tet Offensive |
How do we keep our blockade of Cuba from being considered an act of war? | Call it a quarantine |
Leader of the non-communist South Vietnam | Ngo Dinh Diem |
How was JFK's reputation hurt after his death? | Found out about affairs and connections to organized crime |
President of France who was frustrated with the US and assembled his own nuclear weapons in case we didn't help in a time of crisis | Charles Degall |
Nixon's term for our cease-fire in Vietnam | Peace with honor |
Nixon's firing of the Attorney General and people investigating Watergate | Saturday Night Massacre |
Who created Levy housing and where? | Levitt brothers on Long Island |
Who killed JFK? | Lee Harvey Oswald |
Our policy of funding any country that is fighting communism | Truman Doctrine |
Organization that put suspected communists on trial | House of UnAmerican Activities Committee |
Act that banned literacy tests and sent registrars to voting booths to make sure they're fair | Voting Rights Act |
City where MLK led a peaceful protest that was met with police using hoses, dogs, etc. | Birmingham, Alabama |
Undercover agency used to combat communism in third world countries | CIA |
Speech given by Nixon when he was attacked for having a slush fund that proved how powerful TV was in political campaigning | Checkers speech |
How did Carter try to solve the Iranian Hostage Crisis? Was it successful? | Embargoing Iran and doing a rescue mission; no |
Who was the first unelected person to become President? | Gerald Ford |
What was JFK's policy toward communism? | Using more diplomatic measures with some military |
Act that created highways across the country | Interstate Highway Act |
Massive bombing campaign on North Vietnam that used more bombs than all of WWII | Operation Rolling Thunder |
The US's policy of not allowing communism to spread | Containment Policy |
Why was Nixon attacked when he ran for Eisenhower's VP in 1952? | He had a "slush fund" where people remembered him for political expenditures |
Battle that makes us start actually fighting in Vietnam instead of just aiding France | Battle of Dien Bien Phu |
Two protests of the Vietnam War that led to the killing of students | Kent State University; Jackson State College |
Split Vietnam in half along the 17th parallel and made the North communist and the South not | Geneva Accords |
Aggressive civil rights group | Black Panthers |
War between Israel and Egypt where Israel gained land in the Middle East | 6 Day War |
What three things caused the economic downturn in the 70s? | Spending on Vietnam War; increased oil prices because of OPEC; Germany and Japan's economies finally improve after WWII and they take a share of the market |
How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved? | We pledge never to invade Cuba and secretly remove missiles in Turkey if they'll remove their missiles |
Who was the youngest President ever elected? | John F. Kennedy |
Meeting between US and USSR that established the boundaries of Eastern Europe (communism) and the USSR pledged not to commit human rights violations against their people or satellite nations | Helsinki Accords |
Radical civil rights group founded by Malcolm X | Nation of Islam |
Woman whose actions started the Montgomery County Bus Boycott | Rosa Parks |
What event caused China to become involved in the Korean War? | We pushed the North all the way back to the Yalco River, which China was across from and made them feel threatened. |
Hotel where the Democratic Party strategized and came up with platform | Watergate Hotel |
Cabinet member who was proved to be a communist | Alger Hiss |
Supreme Court case where a guy claimed he was turned down from a college because he was white and he won | Bakke v. University of California |
Place where the US and USSR met to discuss problems in Lebanon | Camp David |
Theory that if Vietnam falls to communism, the rest of Asia will follow | Domino Theory |
Communist leader of Cuba | Fidel Castro |
Defense alliance joined by the US that said if the USSR attacked any member, they attacked every member | NATO |
What event made the public start protesting the Vietnam War? | Tet Offensive |
Meeting between Egypt and Israel where Israel agreed to give back lands won in 6 Day War and Egypt agreed to respect their borders | Camp David Accords |
Policy that we will push our enemy to the brink of war to get what we want | Brinkmanship |
What do we do when we discover that Cuba has missiles from the USSR? | Blockade |
Nixon's policy of still honoring our commitment to Vietnam but letting them fight their own battle | Nixon Doctrine |
Policy that if someone attacks us, we will attack back with nuclear weapons | Massive Retaliation |
Doctrine that the US will help any country threatened by communism | Eisenhower Doctrine |
Giving preference to minorities and women for jobs, colleges, etc. | Affirmative action |
Article published by the New York Times that showed how JFK and LBJ lied to the public and messed up that made people find the government less credible | Pentagon Papers |
Senator who accused anyone who went against him a communist and put them on trial | Joseph McCarthy |
Supreme Court case that removed prayer and Bible readings from schools | Ingle v. Vitel |
Nixon's policy of turning over the Vietnam War to the South Vietnamese | Vietnamization |
True or false: Eisenhower was in favor of a Military Industrial Complex. | False. He warned against it in a speech. |
Johnson's plan to end poverty that was very similar to the New Deal | Great Society |
What President assembled one of the youngest cabinets in history? | Kennedy |
The hostages in Iran were released when? | The day Reagan was elected president |
We send our ping pong team to China as a display of better relations | Ping Pong Diplomacy |
The Korean War was the ______-occupied North vs. the ______-occupied South. | Soviet; US |
Where did the Chinese nationalist government flee to after communism took over? | Taiwan |
What was Eisenhower's policy toward communism? | Massive Retaliation/Brinkmanship |
Name two countries the CIA helped overthrow. | Iran, Egypt |
Amendment that said no one could be discriminated against due to gender that fell 3 states short of passing | Equal Rights Amendment |
Leader of Cuba we supported who was overthrown | Batista |
Group that planted microphones in the Watergate Hotel | Committee to Re-Elect the President |
Communist leader of Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh |
Who launched the first satellite into space and what was its name? | USSR; Sputnik |
Organization that sets environmental standards for waste, emissions, etc. | Environmental Protection Agency |
Supreme Court case that legalized abortion | Roe v. Wade |
Organization designed to fix poverty, especially in Appalachia | Office of Economic Opportunity |
Meeting between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt where Stalin promised to allow democracy in Poland but it actually became part of the USSR | Yalta Conference |
Idea brought about by the Vietnam War that we aren't as tough as we thought we were | Vietnam Syndrome |
Act that said the President must alert Congress within 48 hours of putting soldiers in a country and if Congress doesn't declare war he must pull troops out in 90 days; revoked Tonkin Gulf Resolution | War Powers Act |
What was the consequence of us helping Israel when they were attacked by Egypt and Syria? | Arab nations embargo our oil and it starts an energy crisis |
Extremely liberal court under Nixon | Warren Court |