Med. Insurance Terms

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ?
Category: Question
What is an ABN?Answer: Advance Beneficiary Notice20false
proxim-Question: What is the root word for near?31false
cerebr/oQuestion: What is the combining form for brain?41false
Brady-Question: What is the prefix for slow?51false
Phleb-Question: What is the root word for vein?61false
CommonHealthcare _____ procedure Coding system71true
breathBowel sounds, _____ sounds, and blood sugar81true
Coax-Question: What is the prefix for hip?91false
words,prefixes,andRoot _____ suffixes101true
Later/oQuestion: What is the combining form for side?111false
Chole-Question: What is the prefix for bile?121false
Anti-Question: What is the prefix for against?131false
-dynia or -algiaQuestion: What is the suffix for pain?141false
Anter/oQuestion: What is the combining form for front?151false
Pertaining toQuestion: What do the suffixes -AL,-ic, and -ous mean?161false
Sugar or glucoseQuestion: what does gluc/o,gly/o mean?171false
crani/oQuestion: What is the combining form for cranium?181false
Take the word apartQuestion: What should you do when you are trying to define a word?191false
-ectomyQuestion: What is the suffix for surgical removal?201false
phereniaWhat does the suffix -_____ mean?210true