The Constitution

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Category: Answer
amendmentIt ended prohibition. Declared the 18th _____ to be null and void.11true
Article VIQuestion: What article of the constitution established the Supremacy Clause?41false
Abolished slaveryQuestion: What did the 13th Amendment do?51false
informedThe right to a public and speedy trial, and impartial jury of one's peers, trial in the district in which the crime was committed, to be _____ of the accusation, right to an attorney, and witnesses.61true
specifyIt changed the electoral college. Stated that votes for candidates must _____ position for which they are voting.71true
AmendmentWhat did the 25th _____ do?80true
relationshipWhich Article established the _____ between states?120true
Article IIQuestion: Which Article established the Executive branch of government?141false
peopleRights of the _____ are not limited to those rights stated in the Constitution.151true
guaranteeWhat does the 3rd Amendment _____?160true
inaugurationIt is the lame duck amendment. It moved the _____ date from March to January 20th.171true
establishWhat does the 8th Amendment _____?180true
unreasonableProtection against _____ search and seizure.191true
ConstitutionHow many articles are there in the _____?210true
Article IQuestion: Which Article of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch of the Constitution?221false
methodWhich Article establishes the _____ of amending the Constitution?260true
protectionequal _____ under the law regardless of race, color, or creed. Neither the state nor congress are allowed to infringe on this right.311true
Set up prohibitionQuestion: What did the 18th Amendment do?321false
PresidentialGave Washington DC the right to vote in _____ elections.331true
ratifiedWhich article established the means by which the constitution could be _____?340true