Topic 7

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Category: Definition
keyboardPress the power button on the system unit. Lights on the _____ may blink briefly, and you may also hear a beep11true
Right ClickDefinition: Type your TPSS username & password in the boxes and click the arrow or press enter on the keyboard. If another student's name is listed, click ''Switch User''.20false
DropDefinition: To reselct the mouse button so it will deselct an item ( often30false
Windows Logo KeyDefinition: Hold a mous button down while moving the mouse.40false
Numeric KeypadDefinition: Pres the left mouse button once or twice quickly and release it .60false
DragDefinition: 70false
Start UpDefinition: 80false
Logging OffDefinition: 90false
ScrollDefinition: 100false
Toggle KeyDefinition: 110false
Num LocDefinition: 120false
Log InDefinition: 130false