Blood and Lymph

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Category: Question
Dx Of mono with:Answer: a monospot blood test.10false
S/S of mono:Answer: swollen lymph nodes/ sore throat/ fagigue/ and it can damage the spleen.20false
includeFive risk factors that influence the development of hypersensitivity _____:30true
puss is made ofAnswer: foreign bodies, dead neutrophils and the crap they ate50false
threatmost allergens enter the body via gi and respiratory routes. injection of venoms and meds hold a more severe _____ of allergic response.61true
tachycardiaweakness, stupor, irritability, pale, cool, moist skin, vs:hypotension, _____, and hypothermia, internal hemmorrhage.71true
erythropoiesisAnswer: the process of RBC production80false
immunedevelops the immune system in utero and for a few months after birth. develops T-lymphocytes of the cell mediated _____ response before they migrate to the lymph nodes and spleen.91true
Schilling Test:Answer: is a test for vitamin B12 deficientcy.100false
responsesless common, they are involved in alergies and parasytic _____.111true
marrowerythropoiesis (the process of RBC production) depends on healthy conditions of the bone _____, diets in iron and copper, amino acids and vitamins esp. B12.121true
tissuesT-cells activated by an antigen. Whole cells become sensitized and released into the blood and _____. On contact w/ antigen they attach to the organism and destroy it. hypersensitivity reaction are cell mediated.131true
hypotensionconfusion, delerium, air hunger SOB, diaphoresis, _____, tachycardia, dry mouth, excessive thirst, fatigue, dizziness.161true
VitaminFolic Acid and _____ B12. If either is deficient you see immature cells or low RBC count.171true
neededhereditary coagualtion ddisorder caused by a lack of antihemophiliac factor VII, which is _____ to convert prothrombin to thrombin through thromboplasm component.181true
Normal Hgb range:Answer: 12-16 women, and 14-18 men.190false
hemarthrosisAnswer: bleeding into a joint space. usually seen in the knees, ankles and elbows.200false
asprinBlood letting, hydroxyurea-an antidiauretic hormone used to maintain blood volume. also a low dose of _____ as an anticoaguant therapy.211true
immunocompetenceAnswer: the ability of the immune system to mobolize and use its antibodies and other responses to stimulation by an antigen.220true
immunologyAnswer: the study of the immune system230false