Anat1 - Intro

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Category: Question
ContralateralAnswer: toward the opposite side10false
IpsilateralAnswer: toward the same side20false
Inferior/CaudalAnswer: downward or away from the head30false
AtlasQuestion: Name for C141false
ProximalAnswer: closer to the origin of the body part60false
ExternalAnswer: situated near or on the outside70false
KinesiologyAnswer: The study of movement.80false
Midsagittal plane:Answer: Sagittal plane that lies on the midline.90false
CytologyAnswer: The study of the cell.100false
systemThe cardiovascular _____ is composed of:110true
DistalAnswer: farther from the origin of the body part120false
anotherThe study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one _____.181true
with symptomsQuestion: Symptomatic191false
cavitythe nasal _____, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs201true
MedialAnswer: toward the midline210false
PathologyAnswer: The study of disease.220false
organsbody cavities that do not open to the outside and line _____.241true
Posterior/DorsalAnswer: toward the back of the body250false
AsymptomaticAnswer: without symptoms260false
Anterior/VentralAnswer: toward the front of the body270false