Past simple/Class 5

__ __ __ __ __ ( __ __ __ __ Ć __ __ __ __ Ś )
Category: Question
teach (uczyć kogoś)Answer: taught20false
got upQuestion: get up (wstawać)31false
know (wiedzieć)Answer: knew40false
see (widzieć)Answer: saw50false
readQuestion: read (czytać)61false
eat (jeść)Answer: ate70false
thoughtQuestion: think (myśleć)81false
woreQuestion: wear (nosić)91false
be (być)Answer: was/were100false
swim (pływać)Answer: swam110false
say (mówić)Answer: said120false
win (wygrać)Answer: won130false
hear (słyszeć)Answer: heard140false
boughtQuestion: buy (kupować)151false
have (mieć)Answer: had160false
caughtQuestion: catch (łapać)171false
wentQuestion: go (iść)181false
beat (bić)Answer: beat190false
drink (pić)Answer: drank200false
sit (siedzieć)Answer: sat210false