I mass media

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Category: Answer
l'attoreQuestion: actor11false
il talk-showQuestion: talk show21false
press; the pressAnswer: la stampa30false
journalistAnswer: il/la giornalista40false
la colonna sonoraQuestion: soundtrack51false
to directAnswer: dirigere (p.p. diretto)60false
TV mini-seriesAnswer: il telefilm70false
monthly publicationAnswer: il mensile80false
il personaggioQuestion: character91false
la radioQuestion: radio, radio station101false
l'intervistaQuestion: interview111false
directorAnswer: il/la regista120false
to publishAnswer: pubblicare130false
TV or radio programAnswer: il programma, la trasmissione140false
l'articoloQuestion: article151false
girareQuestion: to film; to shoot film161false
to reviewAnswer: recensire (isc)170false
TV channelAnswer: il canale (televisivo)180false
la didascaliaQuestion: subtitle; caption; stage direction191false
le notizieQuestion: news201false