I mass media

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Category: Answer
il personaggioQuestion: character11false
la radioQuestion: radio, radio station21false
to take placeAnswer: svolgere (p.p. svolto)30false
screenAnswer: lo schermo40false
weekly publicationAnswer: il settimanale50false
la pubblicitĂ Question: advertisement; advertising; commercials61false
la soap-operaQuestion: soap opera71false
interviewAnswer: l'intervista80false
il quotidianoQuestion: daily newspaper91false
articleAnswer: l'articolo100false
stampareQuestion: to print111false
subtitleAnswer: il sottotitolo120false
la fictionQuestion: TV series131false
il telegiornaleQuestion: TV news141false
producerAnswer: il produttore /la produttrice150false
reviewAnswer: la recensione160false
l'attoreQuestion: actor171false
la didascaliaQuestion: subtitle; caption; stage direction181false
il/la registaQuestion: director191false
TV mini-seriesAnswer: il telefilm200false