4B "Invitations"

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Category: Answer
I would like.Question: Me gustaría.11false
in the morningQuestion: de la mañana21false
I knowQuestion: sé31false
quieroAnswer: I want40false
this morningQuestion: esta mañana51false
tennisQuestion: tenis71false
volleyballQuestion: vóleibol81false
too (much)Question: demasiado91false
tiredQuestion: cansado111false
Lo siento.Answer: I'm sorry.120false
With whom?Question: ¿Con quién?131false
a littleQuestion: un poco141false
the gameQuestion: el partido151false
ocupadoAnswer: busy160false
tristeAnswer: sad170false
baseballQuestion: béisbol181false
the concertQuestion: el concierto191false
de la tardeAnswer: in the afternoon200false
to play basketballQuestion: jugar al básquetbol211false
ir de cámpingAnswer: to go camping220false