Wedding vocab

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Category: Question
es necesarioAnswer: its necessary10false
to suggestQuestion: sugerir(e-->ie)21false
prohibirAnswer: to prohibit30false
to surpriseQuestion: sorprender41false
its not trueQuestion: no es cierto51false
tener miedo deAnswer: to be scared of60false
no es evidenteAnswer: its not evident70false
to preferQuestion: preferir(e-->ie)81false
to loveQuestion: encantar91false
its not obviousQuestion: no es obvio101false
to likeQuestion: gustar111false
maybeQuestion: Quizás121false
to not believeQuestion: no creer131false
to recommendQuestion: recomendar(e-->ie)141false
OjaláAnswer: hopefully150false
its good/bad, sadQuestion: es bueno/malo, triste161false
no es verdadAnswer: its not true170false
to wait forQuestion: esperar181false
to wantQuestion: querer (e-->ie)191false
dudarAnswer: to doubt200false