Spanish- 2B

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Category: Question
algodonAnswer: cotton10false
credit cardQuestion: la tarjeta de credito21false
exitQuestion: la salida31false
recientementeAnswer: recently40false
to try onQuestion: probarse51false
leatherQuestion: cuero61false
pastelQuestion: pastel71false
altoAnswer: high80false
tela sinteticaAnswer: synthetic fiber90false
signQuestion: el letrero101false
la tollaAnswer: size110false
to chooseQuestion: escoger121false
travelers checkQuestion: el cheque de viajero131false
en realidadAnswer: really140false
sedaAnswer: silk150false
el precioAnswer: price160false
lanaAnswer: wool170false
oscuroAnswer: dark180false
la cajaAnswer: cash register190false
la entradaAnswer: entrence200false