EC2 U7 Vocab

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Category: Answer
jigsaw puzzleQuestion: rompecabezas11false
el pezAnswer: fish20false
hamsterQuestion: el hámster31false
alwaysQuestion: siempre41false
to ride a tricycleQuestion: montar en tricicleta51false
ofrecer (c-zc)Answer: to offer (yo ofrezco)60false
la monedaAnswer: coin70false
to jump (rope)Question: saltar (a la cuerda)81false
oftenQuestion: a menudo91false
tímido, -a, -eAnswer: timid, shy100false
to lieQuestion: mentir (eie)111false
to tell the truthQuestion: decir la verdad121false
to climb treesQuestion: trepar a los árboles131false
romperAnswer: to break140false
neighborQuestion: el vecino, la vecina151false
dollQuestion: la muñeca161false
sometimesQuestion: a veces, algunas veces171false
cuando era niñoAnswer: when I was a child180false
action figureQuestion: el muñeco191false
playgroundQuestion: el patio de recreo201false