Spanish School Words
Category: Definition
Term | Definition |
entregar | to turn in |
nada | nothing |
la palabra | the word |
algun | some, any |
pedir ayuda | to ask for help |
contestar | to answer |
hacer una pregunta | to write a response |
el carnet de identidad | ID |
los materiales | materials |
tambien | also, too |
prestar atencion | to pay attention |
tampoco | neither |
el armario | locker |
la cinta adhesiva | tape |
algo | something |
discutir | to discuss |
el informe | rules |
conocer | to know |
respetar | respect |
nunca | never |
liegar tarder | to be on time |
siempre | always |
se prohibe | to prohibit |
lo que | to ask a question |
alguien | someone/anyone |
aprender de memoria | to memorize |
sacar una buena nota | to get a good grade |
sobre | |
nadie | no one |
el asiento | seat |
a tiempo | on time |
el proyecto | the project |
la regla | on, about |
pasar | to pass |
la grapadora | stapeler |
explicar | to explain |
tener extio | to be successful |
el laboratorio | the lab |
las tijeras | scissors |
dar undiscurso | to give a speech |
to turn in | Term: entregar | 1 | 1 | false |
nothing | Term: nada | 2 | 1 | false |
la palabra | Definition: the word | 3 | 0 | false |
some, any | Term: algun | 4 | 1 | false |
to ask for help | Term: pedir ayuda | 5 | 1 | false |
contestar | Definition: to answer | 6 | 0 | false |
to write a response | Term: hacer una pregunta | 7 | 1 | false |
los materiales | Definition: materials | 9 | 0 | false |
tambien | Definition: also, too | 10 | 0 | false |
to pay attention | Term: prestar atencion | 11 | 1 | false |
neither | Term: tampoco | 12 | 1 | false |
locker | Term: el armario | 13 | 1 | false |
la cinta adhesiva | Definition: tape | 14 | 0 | false |
algo | Definition: something | 15 | 0 | false |
discutir | Definition: to discuss | 16 | 0 | false |
rules | Term: el informe | 17 | 1 | false |
to know | Term: conocer | 18 | 1 | false |
respetar | Definition: respect | 19 | 0 | false |
nunca | Definition: never | 20 | 0 | false |
to be on time | Term: liegar tarder | 21 | 1 | false |