Sp3 U4 L11

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Category: Question
ser conscienteAnswer: to be conscious of, aware of10false
dañarAnswer: to harm, damage, destroy20false
the ecosystemQuestion: el ecosistema31false
el refugioAnswer: the refuge40false
to disruptQuestion: alterar51false
the hiking/trekkingQuestion: el senderismo/el trekking61false
el desplazamientoAnswer: the displacement70false
el aumentoAnswer: the rise, increase80false
the companiesQuestion: las empresas91false
the hikeQuestion: la caminata101false
fomentarAnswer: to encourage, promote110false
los indígenasAnswer: the indigenous, native (people)120false
the developmentQuestion: el desarrollo131false
los viajerosAnswer: the travelers140false
the populationQuestion: la población151false
el ecoturismoAnswer: the ecotourism160false
la bellezaAnswer: the beauty170false
la vida silvestreAnswer: the wildlife180false
la lanchaAnswer: the boat190false
el alojamientoAnswer: the lodging, accommodations200false