Realidades 2 Ch PE

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Category: Question
a vecesAnswer: once in a while10false
siempreAnswer: always20false
to play the guitarQuestion: tocar la guitarra31false
escribir cuentosAnswer: to write stories40false
When?Question: ¿Cuándo?61false
viejoAnswer: old70false
to eatQuestion: comer81false
How many?Question: ¿Cuantos?91false
reservadoAnswer: shy100false
a menudoAnswer: frequently110false
to swimQuestion: nadar121false
estudiosoAnswer: studious130false
bajoAnswer: short140false
esquiarAnswer: to ski150false
después deAnswer: after160false
on the weekendQuestion: el fin de semana171false
to skateQuestion: patinar181false
tallQuestion: alto191false
ordenadoAnswer: organized200false
to singQuestion: cantar211false