Sp1 Unidad 5

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Category: Question
a un conciertoAnswer: to a concert10false
photoQuestion: La foto21false
dar un "me gusta"Answer: to "like"30false
El vestidoAnswer: dress40false
maskQuestion: La máscara51false
tomar el autobúsAnswer: to take the bus60false
to skateboardQuestion: montar en patineta71false
I can'tQuestion: No puedo81false
TocarAnswer: to play an instrument90false
to take a napQuestion: Dormir (o-ue) una siesta101false
poolQuestion: La piscina111false
Tener sedAnswer: to be thirsty120false
El lunesAnswer: Monday130false
AyerAnswer: yesterday140false
El centroAnswer: downtown150false
la consolaAnswer: game console160false
programaEl _____ deportivo170true
Llegar tardeAnswer: to arrive late180false
to be nervousQuestion: Estar nervioso/a191false
to play videogamesQuestion: jugar a videojuegos201false