L1M3.1 IR Vocab

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Category: Question
el veranoAnswer: summer10false
I have dinnerQuestion: ceno21false
por la mañanaAnswer: in the morning30false
I haveQuestion: tengo41false
at eightQuestion: a las ocho51false
puedo enviarAnswer: I am able to send/I can send60false
homeworkQuestion: las tareas71false
we areQuestion: somos81false
apodoAnswer: nickname90false
characterQuestion: personaje101false
we haveQuestion: tenemos111false
me acuestoAnswer: I go to bed120false
at sevenQuestion: a las siete131false
I seeQuestion: veo141false
seriousQuestion: serio, seria151false
at nightQuestion: por la noche161false
travieso, traviesaAnswer: micheivious170false
cantamosAnswer: we sing180false
estoyAnswer: I am190false
I singQuestion: canto201false