the knife | Term: el cuchillo | 1 | 1 | false |
the plates | Term: los platos | 2 | 1 | false |
el sándwich | Definition: el bocadillo/the sandwich | 3 | 0 | false |
delicioso | Definition: delicious | 4 | 0 | false |
sweet | Term: dulce | 5 | 1 | false |
the fruits | Term: las frutas | 6 | 1 | false |
the glass/the cup | Term: el vaso | 7 | 1 | false |
poner la mesa | Definition: to set the table | 8 | 0 | false |
la sopa | Definition: the soup | 9 | 0 | false |
the salad | Term: la ensalada | 10 | 1 | false |
the bread | Term: el pan | 11 | 1 | false |
el arroz | Definition: the rice | 12 | 0 | false |
salado | Definition: salty | 13 | 0 | false |
la cuchara | Definition: the spoon | 14 | 0 | false |
los postres | Definition: the dessert | 15 | 0 | false |
los frijoles | Definition: the beans | 16 | 0 | false |
el jamón | Definition: the ham | 17 | 0 | false |
I am hungry. | Term: Tengo hambre. | 18 | 1 | false |
los vegetales | Definition: the vegetables | 19 | 0 | false |
la carne | Definition: the meat | 20 | 0 | false |