Listos E Unit 5 Wk 1

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Category: Definition
the knifeTerm: el cuchillo11false
the platesTerm: los platos21false
el sándwichDefinition: el bocadillo/the sandwich30false
deliciosoDefinition: delicious40false
sweetTerm: dulce51false
the fruitsTerm: las frutas61false
the glass/the cupTerm: el vaso71false
poner la mesaDefinition: to set the table80false
la sopaDefinition: the soup90false
the saladTerm: la ensalada101false
the breadTerm: el pan111false
el arrozDefinition: the rice120false
saladoDefinition: salty130false
la cucharaDefinition: the spoon140false
los postresDefinition: the dessert150false
los frijolesDefinition: the beans160false
el jamónDefinition: the ham170false
I am hungry.Term: Tengo hambre.181false
los vegetalesDefinition: the vegetables190false
la carneDefinition: the meat200false