er/ir verbs

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Category: Question
recibimosAnswer: we receive10false
beberAnswer: to drink20false
bebesAnswer: you drink30false
we seeQuestion: vemos41false
they seeQuestion: ven51false
vivirAnswer: to live60false
you readQuestion: lees71false
to openQuestion: abrir81false
to divideQuestion: dividir91false
I seeQuestion: veo101false
he/she seesQuestion: ve111false
abroAnswer: I open120false
he/she readsQuestion: lee131false
I eat a tacoQuestion: como un taco141false
to receiveQuestion: recibir151false
to attendQuestion: asistir161false
comerAnswer: to eat170false
I readQuestion: leo181false
I drink apple juiceQuestion: bebo un jugo de manzana191false
escribirAnswer: to write200false