unit 7 vocab

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Category: Question
la cocheraAnswer: garage10false
el tio/ la tiaAnswer: uncle/ aunt20false
basementQuestion: el sotano31false
ovenQuestion: el horno41false
wifeQuestion: la esposa51false
el novioAnswer: boy friend60false
la abuelaAnswer: grandmother70false
la camaAnswer: bed80false
el jardinAnswer: yard90false
bathroomQuestion: el bano101false
hacerAnswer: to do, to make110false
cousinQuestion: la prima121false
sacudir los mueblesAnswer: to dust the furniture130false
la madre/ la mamaAnswer: mom140false
to put, to placeQuestion: poner151false
el televisorAnswer: tv160false
el pasilloAnswer: hallway170false
el patioAnswer: porch, patio, yard180false
husbandQuestion: el esposo191false
el microondasAnswer: microwave200false