dar, estar, ir

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Category: Answer
we areQuestion: estamos11false
to the (feminine)Question: a la31false
to the (masculine)Question: al41false
a, al or a laQuestion: the forms of the verb IR are usually followed by61false
to giveQuestion: dar71false
they giveQuestion: ellos dan91false
izquierda deAnswer: left of100false
estánAnswer: they are110false
I give youQuestion: te doy121false
I giveQuestion: doy131false
to goQuestion: ir141false
estoyAnswer: I am150false
right ofQuestion: derecha de161false
ella daAnswer: she gives170false
damosAnswer: we give200false
you giveQuestion: das211false
you go to the gymQuestion: vas al gimnasio221false
we goQuestion: vamos231false
they goQuestion: van241false
he/she goesQuestion: va251false