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Category: Question
plancharAnswer: to iron10false
to makes snacksQuestion: hacer las tapas21false
limpiarAnswer: clean30false
take something upQuestion: subir algo41false
guardarAnswer: to put away50false
doblarAnswer: fold60false
prepareQuestion: preparar la comida71false
compartirAnswer: to share80false
adornarAnswer: decorate90false
hacer la camaAnswer: doing the bed100false
dar de comerAnswer: give out to eat110false
cortar el cespedAnswer: mow the lawn120false
desmpolvarAnswer: to dust130false
to mopQuestion: trapear141false
lavar las ollasAnswer: washing dishes150false
to washQuestion: fregar161false
take out trashQuestion: sacar la basura171false
vacuumQuestion: pasar la aspiradora181false
to dustQuestion: sacudir191false
regar las plantasAnswer: to water the plants200false